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Finance   Department  - Act  30  of  2023  -   Regularization  of  Contract Employees - Operational Guidelines - Orders -Issued - Reg.

 In   the   reference   1 cited,   Government    have   enacted   the   Andhra    Pradesh Regularization   of  Services  of  Contract   Employees  Act,  2023  (Act  30  of  2023)  to regularize the services of contract persons appointed  as on 2" June 2014 and continuing till date  in  Government  Departments   & in the  reference  2" read  above,  the  eligibility criteria for the same has been stipulated.

 2.      In order to implement  the above decision of the Government,  an online application i.e., "Regularization of Contract  Employees"  (RoCE) is made available w.e.f. 15-12-2023 in eNidhi logins of all the HODs  and Secretaries to Government.

  3.       The following guidelines are issued for utilising the above online application by all the stakeholders concerned.


1)         The application  is enabled at

2)        The regularization  proposal shall go through the following levels of scrutiny:

a.  Head of the Department:  Filing,  verification,  and certification  of the Initial

Application  (IA).

b.  Secretariat Department:  Validation,  certification,  and  submission  of Final

Application  (FA).

c.  Directorate   of Treasuries  and Accounts:  Audit  of the  Final  Application


d.  Finance  Department   (HR  wing):  Final  validation  &  certification  of  the

Final Applications  (FA).

3)          In each of the above offices, the application  shall go through  the levels of maker, checker and approver,  as assigned by the respective Heads  of the Office (HOO), before being forwarded to the next office.

4)        The  eligibility  criteria  prescribed  as  per  Act  30  of  2023  shall  be  verified  and authenticated by e-sign at all levels.

 Initiation of the application by Head of the Department:

 a.  The  HOD  shall be responsible  for obtaining the  details of  all eligible contract employees for regularization in their respective departments.

 b.  The maker  of  the  HOD  office shall  initiate the proposals  for regularization  as follows:

1.   Verifying the pre-populated data and modifying if necessary.

11.    Entering  the  information  in the proforma  after verification with  original records.

iii.  Uploading  the following documents  after duly verifying the authenticity  •

DOB Certificate, Letter of Appointment, G.O. in which post is sanctioned, Service Rules governing the post,  Certificate of education  qualification as per the eligibility criteria of the post, Community Certificate.

 c.  The checker of HOD office shall be responsible for verification of the data entered and forwarding the application for approval or rejection with remarks.

 d.  The HOD (approver) of the office after verification of the application takes one of the following actions:

1.     recommends  regularization  &  forwards  it  to  Secretariat  Department,  if

found eligible.

11.    rejects the application if not found eligible as per Act 30 of 2023.

ill.    returns it for reverification with specific remarks.

 e.  If  the  HOD  approves  the  application,  a  proposal  is generated  as  attached  in

Annexure-1 and is forwarded to the Secretariat Department.

 2)       Submission of final proposal by Secretariat Department

 a) The Secretariat  Department  verifies the details of  all applications  submitted by

HOD with reference to eligibility criteria.

b)  The Secretary,  after due verification of the applications takes one of the following actions:

i.    recommends regularization & forwards it to DTA, if found eligible.

11.     rejects the application if not found eligible as per Act 30 of 2023.

ill.    returns it to HOD for reverification with specific remarks.

 3)       Audit by Directorate of Treasury and Accounts (DTA)

 a) The office of DTA shall audit all the applications and takes one of the following actions:

i.  recommends regularization  & forwards it to Finance Department,  if found


11.    rejects the application if not found eligible as per Act 30 of 2023.

ill.   returns it to Secretariat Department for reverification with specific remarks

 4)        Final    validation    &   certification of  the   final    applications   by   Finance

Department  (HR Wing)  :

 a) The  Finance Department (HR  Wing),  upon  receiving the  final  applications,  duly verifies & validates the data  and takes one of the following  actions:

1.     recommends concurrence for regularization, if found  eligible.

ii.    rejects  the application if not found  eligible as per Act 30 of 2023.

iii.   returns it to DTA  for reverification with specific remarks.

 4.         The      user      manual     for      the      above      application     is      available       at


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