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Payment of Minimum Time Scales to the Contract Teachers of DSC 1998 & 2008

Payment of Minimum Time Scales to the Contract Teachers of DSC 1998 & 2008

 School Education - Payment of Minimum Time Scales to the Contract Teachers of DSC 1998 & 2008

 While  enclosing  a  copy  of the  reference 4th cited,  the  DTAOs  of Ananthapuramu  and  Sri  Sathya  Sai  districts  are  requested  to   take  further necessary action for allowing the Minimum Time Scales to the Contract Teachers of DSC 1998 and 2008 against   the vacant posts mentioned therein. Further, the MTS so allowed should be on the SGT scale  only irrespective  of the vacancy against which the MTS is claimed.

 This is for information and necessary action


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