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Providing compassionate appointments to the dependents of the deceased Municipal Teachers

  Providing compassionate appointments to the dependents of the deceased Municipal Teachers

School   Education  -   Municipal   Teachers   -   Providing  compassionate appointments to the dependents of the deceased  Municipal  Teachers who died while  in service  - Certain  instructions 

 The  attention  of  all  Regional  Joint  Directors  of  School  Education  and District  Educational  Officers   in  the  state  are  invited  to  the  reference  1st cited (Copy enclosed),  wherein  instructions were issued regarding the applicability  of  compassionate  appointments  to  employees  of Municipalities, Municipal  Corporations, Societies registered under  Societies Act,   Public   Sector  Undertakings,   and   Local   Bodies.   Para   No.7   of  said circular clarifies that "In  respect of Corporation/Cooperative Society/Public  Sector  Undertakings/ Local  Bodies   (i.e., Municipalities,    Municipal   Corporations   Zilla     Parishas,    Manda/ Praja  Parishads,  Gram Panchayats}  who  have  adopted  the scheme of compassionate appointments, they are informed that the departments  are  not  eligible for  compassionate  appointment  in the  Government  Departments,   and   they  have   to  be   appointed only  in their respective  Office/Organisation  as per their rules".

 Therefore,  the  under   mentioned  officers  are  requested  to  instruct the field  level functionaries to forward the proposals  for providing compassionate appointments to the dependents of the deceased  Municipal Teachers   who   died   while   in   service   to  the   Municipal    Commissioners concerned  for further action  as per their rules.

 The  Commissioner  &   Director  of  Municipal   Administration,  Andhra Pradesh,    is    requested   to   issue    necessary   instructions   to   their field functionaries  accordingly



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