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National Awards 2023 - Guidelines

National Awards 2023 – Online self- nomination by teachers  from 23.06.2023  to  15.07.2023

 School Education Department – National Awards 2023 – Online self- nomination by teachers  from 23.06.2023  to  15.07.2023  - Communication - Instructions – issued – Regarding

 The attention of all the  Regional  Joint Directors of School Education and all the   District Educational  Officers  in the   State are  invited to  the reference read above and are informed that the   Joint Secretary (Inst. & Trng.), Government of India, Ministry of Education, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi has issued timelines and guidelines  along with connected annexure- I  to  III  for self-nomination  of National Awards to Teachers for the  year 2023 through    The   timeline   are    as follows

 Therefore, all the  Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the  District Educational Officers in the  State are hereby instructed to give wide publicity through highly circulated News papers,electronic media and display the  guidelines along with schedule at notice board of Collectorate, DEOs ofce and Mandal Educational Officers   in the  State to  opt eligible teachers  in online self-nomination  for National  Awards-2023  for the  year

2023   through   website immediately. Manual proposals are not  allowed.




All the  above officers  in the  State are  requested to   select  eligible teachers for the  award without deviating the  given norms and guidelines.

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