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Medical reimbursement bills status -Instructions

 Medical   reimbursement  bills status - Certain Instructions

School    Education -   Medical    Attendance   -   Teachers  Frequently approaching  this   office  for  Pursuing  of  Medical   reimbursement  bills status - Certain Instructions  Issued 

 All the  District Educational  Officers in the  state are  hereby  informed that,  it  is  noticed that  number  of  teachers  are   approaching   this   office frequently to know  about their medical Reimbursement bills  status and  for sanction proceedings copy,  even  though the  said  sanction  proceedings are already dispatched through online  (  and  offline in special cases under Covid and  pensioners )  from this  office since  last 02 years.

 Further,  it is  informed that,  after receiving  the  scrutiny reports from Dr.YSR   Arogyasri  Health    Care   Trust  through  online    /offline,   sanction proceedings have  been  approved and   dispatched  immediately without any delay  to the  respective  DDOs logins    through  online/oflline  by  this  office. But,    the    concerned    DDOs    i.e.,    Head    Masters/Manda!    Educational Officers/Deputy  Educational  Officers  are   not verifying   status properly  in their  Medical  Reimbursement CSE  Login  (  H.M Login  & School  Login )  and informing  the  teachers that"  the  sanction  proceedings are  not received  by them"   and   to  get   the   orders  from   the   CSE  Office.   Due   to  this  reason, number of teachers are  coming  to this  office from  far  away  places  to know about their  bills  status.  This  causes lot of inconvenience to the  teachers,  in addition to spending money  on their  travel  etc.  As explained above,  nobody has  to come  to CSE  office for finding  out the  status of their  medical  bills  or getting it cleared.


Therefore,   all   the    District   Educational    Officers  in   the    state   are requested    to  issue  necessary   instructions   strictly  to  all   the   respective DDOs i.e.,  Head  Masters/Mandal Educational Officers/Deputy Educational Officers  etc.  in their  Jurisdiction  to verify the  Medical  Reimbursement Bills in  CSE  Login  regularly  and   inform   the   status  to  the  respective  teachers from  time  to time   for  taking further course of action.  This  message has to be communicated to all teachers and  shared widely in all  teachers groups.

 In  case   if  any   teacher/employee  approaches  this   office  to    obtain sanction   proceedings   copy    or   for   any    other   information  of   Medical

Reimbursement Bill even  after  the  sanction proceedings are  dispatched by this  office  through  Online/Offline.  it shall be  treated as  the failure of the DEOs   and    DDOs   concerned  and   necessary  disciplinary  action  will   be initiated  against  them  for  their  failure  in   complying  with   government instructions and  causing inconvenience to the  employees.

 Further,     they    are    once   again    informed   that   all    the    medical reimbursement bills  in  respect of teaching and  non-teaching staff shall be submitted  through  Online    only   from   the   concerned  ODO   Logins     and physical bills  will not be entertained, and  to   strictly follow the  instructions already issued by this  office  in this  regard.

 Any deviation in  the  matter  will be viewed  seriously



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