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Instructions to DyEOs/MEOs regarding Inspections and Visits for strict adherence

 Instructions to DyEOs/MEOs regarding Annual Tour Programmes, Monthly Tour Programmes

Instructions to DyEOs/MEOs  regarding Annual Tour Programmes, Monthly Tour Programmes, Inspections and Visits for strict adherence - Issued 

 The  attention of  all  the  Deputy Educational Officers   and  Manda! Educational Officers in the state is invited to the references  read above, and they are informed that,  as per provisions  contained  in the references 1  &2  cited and  instructions were  issued in  references   3rd   to   6th cited,   the   Deputy Educational Officers and Mandal Educational Officers  ( I and II) in the state are requested to prepare their Annual Tour programs, taking into consideration their job charts, offices/institutions within their jurisdiction, and the powers entrusted to   their  respective    offices/posts    for   conducting inspections/visits.   These programs should be submitted to the District  Educational  Officers in triplicate by the 1st week of April. The reviewing  officer should approve and return the programs to  the Deputy Educational  Officers/Mandal  Educational  Officers in the state by the 1st week of May

 In   this  context,   the   following instructions may  be  issued  to   the DyEOs/MEOs  in  the state for better supervision  and administration of the institutions and offices of the School Education Department:

 1. DyEOs/MEOs should   have  the   lists   and  boundaries  of  each institution/office within their jurisdiction, and they should be familiar with their job charts and the powers vested in their respective  posts 2. DyEOs/MEOs  should prepare an Annual Tour Program reflecting all the institutions/offices for  conducting inspections  and  visits,  taking  into account  their   job   charts,   and  the  offices/institutions within  their jurisdiction and the powers entrusted to their offices/posts.

 3. DyEOs/MEOs should  prepare  ATPs  (Annual  Tour  Programmes) in triplicate  by the  1st week of April of the ensuing academic year and submit them to the DEOs for approval without fail.

 4.  The DEOs shall approve the ATPs and return them to the DyEOs/MEOs by the 1st week of May of the ensuing academic year without fail.

 5. After  receiving their  approved annual  tour  programs,  DyEOs/MEOs should prepare their monthly tour programs  in accordance  with the ATPs and  communicate the  monthly tour  programs to  all  the  respective institutions and offices at least 15 days in advance.

 6.  In the event of non-receipt of approved ATPs from the DEOs within the prescribed time,  DyEOs/MEOs should assume that their ATPs have been approved and proceed with the preparation  of monthly tour programs.

 7.  All tour programs should include the institutions and offices prescribed in their job charts for conducting inspections and visits, as far as possible.

 8.  The number of inspections/visits to be performed by the DyEOs/MEOs has  already  been  prescribed  in   the  references cited.  Therefore,  all inspecting officers should adhere to  the prescribed number of offices/institutions and time limits



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