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Action Plan of 100% Enrollment


Action Plan for 100% Enrolment and School Preparedness for th

Academic Year 2023-24


 A)     Census updation of school age children in the catchment area of respective schools

•        Updation  of  the  school  age  children  census  register  with  the  help  of  teachers, Anganwadi teachers, Village/ ward volunteers, Education and welfare assistants and ANMs by the headmaster.

   Preparation of school age children list, age-wise, gender-wise and category-wise.

   Share the consolidated data to the respective CRPs to consolidate Village/ School Complex/Mandal level-list

   Submission of the final mandal level list by MEO to the respective DEO.

   List out Anganwadies in the jurisdiction of School complex.

 B)        Enrollment Drive

         Conduct of the parent-teacher meeting along with Parents committee, Sarpanch/ ward members/ ward councilors/ corporators/ the respective public representatives and Education and welfare assistant on enrollment by the headmaster.

•  Display the list of school age children in the meeting.

         Preparation and display of the banners/ posters related to the school achievements, MBNN, JVK, MDM, AMMA VADI and other education related schemes at main centers in the village.

   Conduct rallies to mobilize the public.

   Identification of the 5+ age/ Anganwadi completed children to enroll in nearby schools.

   Identification of the 2nd class completed children in the Foundation school to enroll in 3rd class in nearby schools.

         Identification of the 5thclass completed children in the primary school to enroll in 6th class in nearby Pre high school/ high schools.

•        Identification of the 7th / 8th class completed children in the Pre High School to enroll in 8th/ 9thclass in nearby high schools.

•        Issue record sheet/ Transfer certificate to the students for getting admission into higher classes and ensure their admission in Govt or any other institutions.

•  Admitting the identified students during the enrollment drive into the schools.

 C)    Data consolidation of outgoing children

   Track the details of SSC completed children about their admission into the next level Educational Institutions.

   Track the details of the students who are taking Record sheet/ Transfer Certificate from 1st to 9th classes.

   Preparation of consolidated report of withdrawals and admissions during the year

 D)       Consolidation of Dropouts list

         Preparation  of the list of never enrolled/ dropouts/ child  labour  identified  during enrollment drive.

•        Take up a special enrolment drive to enroll such children into RSTC/ NRSTC / regular schools in age-appropriate classes.

•        Submission of consolidated report and list of children to the MEO for further necessary action.

  E)        School Preparedness

    Start the admission process during enrollment drive.

   Ensure the school safety measures before reopening of the school.

   Cleaning of school premises, roof tops, play grounds.

   Cleaning of water tank/ R.O Plants/ Drinking water supply.

   Cleaning of toilets and maintain running water supply to the toilets.

   Carryout the minor repairs if any.

   Cleaning of kitchen shed, utensils and disposal of expired consumable stock if any.

   To avoid electrical shocks, carry out the electrical repairs if any.

   Procure the laboratory material.

   Ensure the sufficient number of JVK kits.

   If more number of JVK kits required, place the indent immediately to MEO.

   Ensure the availability of groceries like rice, eggs, chikkis, ingredients of Ragi malt.

   Ensure the availability of records, registers and other necessary stationery.

         Prepare institutional plan for the conduct of academic activities for the upcoming academic year

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