Teachers should spread the following instructions.
*1. Class teachers must create WhatsApp groups with their students.*
*2. The teachers told the students to maintain a notebook for the programmes in the summer... That notebook should be submitted at the time of reopening of the school*
*3. Teachers should stay in touch with the students and encourage them from time to time to monitor their activities.*
*4. Through a WhatsApp group, teachers should collect the activities of the students in the form of pictures, videos and reports.*
*5. All activities that students do during the summer vacations should be exhibited during the reopening ceremony of schools.*
*6. Create a schedule of activities and make sure students and their parents share with them*
*7. Encourage students to read during the summer break and suggest a list of books they can choose from.*
*8. Conduct online classes, webinars or workshops on topics of interest*
*Related to the academic and personal development of the students.*
*9. Assign students projects that enhance their creativity, thinking skills and criticality*
*10. Encourage physical activities such as sports, dance or yoga and provide resources and guidance to students.*
*11.Provide opportunities for students to engage with their peers through online activities or virtual events.*
*12. Keep in touch with students and their parents and feedback through communication*
*13.Finally, collect the students' work and share it with their parents*
*Display it on the school's website or on social media handles*