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Thursday, 27 April 2023
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Printing of TaRL School Level material for summer vacation practice to students of 3 to 5 classes
School Education-SCERT, AP – Printing of TaRL School Level material for summer vacation practice to students of 3 to 5 classes —orders issued
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational Officers in the State are aware that a classroom practice of teaching learning called Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) has been developed by the Pratham Education Foundation. The objective of TaRL is to improve the language and math learning outcomes for children in 3 to 5 classes.
Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) ensures basic foundational skills for all, with clearly articulated goals for basic reading and math. Teaching starts at the level of the child rather than at the level of the grade, with simple and engaging daily learning activities that can be adapted as children progress. Students engage in activities in large groups, small groups, and individuals
TaRL programe was successfully completed for the academic year 2022-2023. In continuation of this programme it is decided to engage the students in summer vacation. Certain activities have been planned and designed as practice material in Telugu and Mathematics subjects for the students studying 3 to 5 classes.
In this connection All DCEBs are instructed to print the material and supply to all the students studying in all types of government managed schools of the district concerned before the closure of the schools for summer vacation 2023.
DCEBs are directed to follow the budgetary norms as approved for CBA, while printing and supply the above said copies .
The State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, AP is requested to meet the expenditure from the available funds as per existing norms and release the funds to the DCEBs/DEOs to meet the expenditure on printing, supply and logistic arrangements
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