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Half day Schools Revised Instructions

Half day Schools - revised Instructions

School Education – School Academic Calendar 2022-23 – Half Day Schools W.E.F 03.04.2023 in all Management Schools in the State During the Academic Year 2022-23 – revised orders

 All the RJDs & DEOs in the state are informed that the instructions have been issued In the reference 1st  cited, in which directions for conducting compensatory classes in the schools where SSC examination centres have been constituted (3349 centers in the state) were also given. As There shall not be any classes on the days of examination (Six days in total), it was directed that these schools shall conduct compensatory classes for six days on the available public holidays during the period from 03.04.23 to 30.04.23 duly following the Half-a-day schools for classes I to IX from 7.45 am to 12.30 pm from 03-4-2023 up to last working day i.e., 30-4-2023

 Further, it has come to the notice of the undersigned that certain District Educational Officers in the state have declared the public holidays, which falls on religious occasions as working days  to conduct compensatory classes.

 In view of the above, all the District Educational Officers in the state are informed to conduct compensatory classes mandatory on the four Sundays  ie. 9 th,16 th, 23rd and 30 th. The option for conducting compensatory class on other public holidays is left to the school management, depending on the  local situation.

 These instructions should be followed scrupulously without any deviation


APRJC & DC CET - Online Application

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