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Extension of the contractual services up to 31.03.2024

Extension of the contractual services up to 31.03.2024

 Contract   Services  in   Government  Departments  -  Extension of the contractual services up  to 31.03.2024  - Orders – Issued

 In continuation of the  orders issued in the  reference 21s  read above, orders  were  issued  vide   reference  22nd  &   26t     read  above,  permitting certain Departments  to renew the  contractual services exclusively,  that were subsisting  on 31s  August,  2020 from   1s  September,  2020  to 31s  March,2023   or an  earlier  period,  as deemed appropriate,  based on the imperative need  for such services by the  Departments,  subject to the condition that the terms   and   conditions   of  the   contract   shall   remain   unchanged   for  the contractual services.

 2.      Accordingly,      the     Heads     of    Departments-Secretariat     and    the Departmental    Heads   and   the   District   Collectors    were   authorized    to extend the contractual  services that  were subsisting  on 31s August,  2020 from    1s  September,  2020   to  315  March,  2023   at  the  State and Districts respectively,  provided competent authority has  undertaken  a  review of the need for such  services.

 3.        In   the   above  context,   after  careful  examination,   the  Government hereby  order  for  further  continuation  of the  Contract  persons  working in the   Departments/HoDs    as   shown  in   the   Annexures   to  this   order   till 31.03.2024  or  an   earlier  period  if   such  posts  are  filled    with   regular employees.

 4.        These   orders   are   strictly   limited   to   those   contractual    services that  were   extended  from    time    to   time    as   per  the  orders  issued  by   the Finance Department in  the reference cited.

 5.       All  Spl CS/Prl  Secy/  Secy  of the  Secretariat  Departments,  HoDs and District Collectors are hereby informed that  no services shall be  contracted without the prior concurrence of the Finance Department  and  the approval of the Government.



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