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TaRL Endline Test Guidelines

 *TaRL Endline Test Guidelines*

 *End line Test Date : 28-03-2023 to 29-03-2023*
Completion    of   90   days practice   programme  - Conducting   of  TaRL Endline  Test  on 28-03-2023 to  29-03-2023

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational Officers in the State are aware that a class room practice of teaching learning called Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) has been developed by the Pratham Education Foundation. The objective of TaRL is to improve the language and math learning outcomes for children in 3 to 5 classes.

 Teaching at the Right Level (TaRensures basic foundational skills for all, with clearly articulated goals for basic reading and math. Teaching starts at the level the child rather than at the level of the grade, with simple and engaging daily learning activities that can be adapted as childre progress. Students engage in activities in large groups, small teacups, and Individuals.

 In this connection, the TaRL Master Trainers Training Programme was conducted at state level from 27-06-2022 to  01.07.2022 at ZPHS(G) Patamatalanka, Vijayawada.

 Then a 5-d Mandal level resource persons training programme was conducted from 24.08.2022 to 29.08.2022 at district level.

 Further the programme was conducted in all Schools in the state at each Mandal Level in two/three spells (each spell for 4 Days) from 17.10.2022 to 01.11.2022.

 In continuation of the above, the training programme in the Schools having 3 to 5 Classes is being conducted as a 90 days practise programme every day morning one hour and afternoon one hour for language (Telugu) and for Mathematics as per the given schedule. It is decided to conduct the End line Test on 28-03-2023 and 29-03-2023 and data must be uploaded in the App on or before 10-04-2023

 Hence, DEOs are instructed to issue necessary instructions to the mandal Educational Officers/Cluster Headmasters to monitor the conduct of the endline test in a smooth manner.

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