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Old Pension to NPS Employees appointed before 1.1.2004

 Old Pension to NPS Employees appointed before 1.1.2004

Subject: Coverage under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, in place of National Pension System, of those Central Government employees who were recruited against the posts/vacancies advertised /notified for recruitment, on or before 22.12.2003.

  The  undersigned  is  directed  to  say  that  consequent  on  introduction  of National Pension  System (NPS) vide Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) Notification  No.  5/7/2003-ECB  & PR dated 22.12.2003, all Government servants appointed on or after 0 1.01.2004 to the posts in the Central Government service (except armed forces) are mandatorily covered under the said scheme.  The Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules,1972 and other connected rules were also amended vide Notification dated 30.12.2003 and, after  the  said  amendment,  those  rules  are  not  applicable  to  the  Government  servants appointed to Government service after 31.12.2003.

 2.        Subsequently,   Department  of Pension and Pensioners'  Welfare  in consultation with the Department  of Personnel  & Training, Department  of Expenditure  and Department  of Legal Affairs  in the light of the various representations/references and decisions of Hon'ble Courts, issued instructions vide OM No. 57/04/2019-P&PW(B) dated 17.02.2020 giving one time option to Central Government employees who were declared successful  for recruitment in the results  declared  on or before  31.12.2003 against vacancies  which  occurred  before 01.01.2004 and were covered under the National Pension System on joining  service on or after 01.01.2004,  to be covered under the CCS(Pension) Rules,  1972  ( now 2021).  There was fixed time schedule for different activities under the aforesaid OM dated 17.02.2020.

 3.          Representations have been received in this Department from the Government servants appointed on or after 0 1.01.2004 requesting for extending  the benefit of the pension scheme under  Central  Civil  Services  (Pension)  Rules,  1972  (now 2021)  on the ground that their appointment was made against the posts/vacancies  advertised/notified for recruitment prior to notification for National Pension System, referring to court judgments of various Hon'ble High  Courts  and  Hon 'ble  Central  Administrative  Tribunals  allowing  such  benefits  to applicants The  matter  has  been  examined  in  consultation  with  the  Department  of Financial Services,  Department  of Personnel & Training,  Department  of Expenditure  and Department of Legal Affairs  in the  light of the  various  representations/references  and  decisions  of the Courts   in  this  regard.   It has  now  been  decided  that,  in  all  cases  where  the  Central Government civil employee has been appointed against a post or vacancy which was advertised/notified   for  recruitment/appointment,   prior  to  the  date  of  notification  for

National Pension System i.e. 22.12.2003 and  is covered under the National Pension System on joining  service on or after 0101 2004,  may be given a one-time option to be covered under the CCS(Pension)  Rules,  1972  (now 2021).  This option  may  be exercised  by  the concerned Government servants latest by 31.08.2023.

  5.       Those Government  servants who are eligible to exercise option in  accordance  with para-4 above, but who do not exercise this option by the stipulated date, shall continue to be covered by the National Pension System.

 6.       The option once exercised shall be final.

 7.        The matter  regarding  coverage  under the CCS (Pension) Rules,  1972  (now 2021), based  on  the  option  exercised  by  the  Government  servant,  shall  be  placed  before  the Appointing Authority of the posts for which such option is being exercised for consideration, in accordance with these instructions. In case the Government servant fulfills the conditions for coverage under  the CCS (Pension)  Rules,  1972  (now 2021 ), in accordance with  these instructions,  necessary order in this regard shall be issued latest by 3151    October, 2023. The  NPS  account  of such  Government  servants  shall,  consequently,   be  closed  w.e.f. 3st December, 2023.

 8.        The Government servants who exercise option to switch over to the pension scheme under CCS (Pension) Rules,  I 972 (now 2021 ), shall be required to subscribe to the General Provident  Fund  (GPF).  Regarding  account all  of the  corpus  in  the  NPS  account  of the Government servant,  Controller  General  of Accounts  (CGA) has furnished  the  following clarification vide letter No.  1 (7)(2)/20 I 0/cla./TA  III/390 dated  14.11.2019 & I.D. Note No. TA-3-6/3/2020-TA-III/cs-4308/450  dated  23.12.2022



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