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Hindi Pandits in DSC 2002 and joined in 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2012 -for conversion from Contributory Pension Scheme to Old Pension Scheme

 Old Pension to 2002 and joined in 2006,2008,2009,2010 Hindi Pandits

III  - W.P  No.  25569  of  2022  - Sri  Vadada Ranjeeth  Kumar,  S/o Satyanandam  Aged 55 years  Occ School Assistant Hindi  MPUP  School Chinnayyapeta  Lavern Mandal  Srikakulam  District &  45  others  - who  were  recruited  as Hindi  Pandits  in  DSC  2002  and joined   in  2006,  2008,  2009,  2010  and  2012  -  for  conversion   from Contributory Pension  Scheme to Old Pension Scheme - Speaking orders issued

It is to inform  that,  vide reference  1st  cited,  the Hon 'ble  High Court, A.P., Amaravati  has disposed the W.P No. 25569 of 2022 filed by Sri Vadada Ranjeeth Kumar, S/o Satyanandam Aged 55 years 0cc School Assistant  Hindi MPUP School  Chinnayyapeta  Lavern Mandal Srikakulam District & 45 others on 16.08.2022 with the following directions:

"Having  regard  to the facts and circumstances  of the case and without touching   the   merits   of   the   case,   petitioners   are   directed   to   file   fresh representation  before  the respondents  within  fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of the order.

Thereafter,  the respondents  are directed to pass appropriate orders within a stipulated period. of six (06) weeks from the date of receipt of representation, in accordance with law."

Accordingly,  in the reference  2nd cited  a detailed  chronological report was submitted to the Government with a request to issue necessary  orders.

 Govemment  in  the reference 3rd cited has stated that  "the  adopting  the provision/ orders   vide OM No. 57/04/2019-P&PW (B), Gol, DOP & PW, New Delhi, dt:  17.02.2020  i.e.,  for "coverage under Central Civil Services (Pension)

Rules, 1972,  in place of National Pension System,  of those  Central Government employees whose selection for appointment was finalized before 01.01.2004 but who  joined   Government   service  on  or  after   01.01.2004   according   to  the APRPRs  1980  w.e.f  1.9.2004,     is  under  examination  and  the  same  will  be specified in the New Pension Scheme Rules 2022 (CPS Rules 2022) which will be issued in near period."

In view  of the circumstances  explained  above,  the petitioners are hereby  infonned  that  as and when  orders received  from  the Government  the request of petitioners will be examined and consider as per their eligibility

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