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Admission of children in Class I under Section 12(1) (C) - Guidelines - Schedule

Admission of children in Class I under Section 12(1) (C) of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act,2009 for the academic year 2023-2024 for all Private Unaided Schools

School   Education  -Admission  of  children  in  Class  I       under  Section 12(1)   (C)   of   the   Right   of   Children   to    Free   and   Compulsory Education   Act,2009   for   the   academic    year   2023-2024   for   all Private   Unaided   Schools   (IB/ICSE/CBSE/State   Syllabus)   in  Andhra Pradesh-  Instruction  issued-Regarding.   

 The   attention   of   all   the   Regional   Joint   Directors,   the   District Educational  Officers  and  Additional  Project  Coordinators,  Samagra  Siksha in the  state  is  invited  in the  above  references  cited  and they  are  informed that   the    Government    of   Andhra     Pradesh    have    issued    Admission Notification   pertaining  to  admission   of  children   in  Class  I      under  Section 12(1)   (C)   of  the   Right   of  Children  to   Free   and  Compulsory   Education


Act,2009 for the  academic  year  2023-2024 for all  Private  Unaided  Schools

(IB/ICSE/CBSE/State  Syllabus)  in  Andhra  Pradesh  vide  reference  4t   read above  which  is  communicated  in  the  reference  5  read above.


In    this    context,    all   the    Regional   Joint    Directors,    the    District

Educational  Officers  and  Additional  Project  Coordinators,  Samagra  Siksha in   the  state   are   requested   to   go   through   the   admission    notification carefully issued for calling for online applications from the children of Disadvantaged   groups   and  Weaker   Sections   for   admissions   under   RTE

12(1)(C).   In  this  regard they  are  requested  to Progs.l)  Dept.,  Dated:0303.2011, G.O.Ms.No.129,  School  Education (PROG.11)     Department,     Dated:15.07.2022     and     Standard     Operating procedure of Andhra  Pradesh  Right  of  Free  and Compulsory  Education  Act,

2009  and  relavant  material  to  all  the  Private  Managements  irrespective board affiliations  in your jurisduction  before  02.03.2024 without fail.

(2)  Instruct  all  the  Private  Un-aided   schools    following IB/ICSE/CBSE/State  Syllabus  irrespective  of their board  affiliations  in  their jurisdictions  to  reserve   25%  of  seats  in  Class  in  I      for the  Academic   year


 (3) Direct all the managements of all the Private Unaided schools (IB/ICSE/CBSE/State  Syllabus)  to  register  their   schools   CSE  Web  portal (will  be enabled   on 06.03.2023

(4)   To   follow    the   schedule    as   mentioned     below   in   Admission Notification  issued  by the  Government.

 (1) Communicate  G.O.Ms.No.24,  School  Education  (Prag.II) Department,    Dated:26.02.2023,    G.O.Ms.No.20,    School    Education    



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