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Field Visits of Principal Secretary/CSE/Directors/RJDSEs

 Field Visits oPrincipaSecretary/CSE/Directors/RJDSEs - Instructions

Field Visits of Principal Secretary/CSE/Directors/RJDSEs - Instructions School Education –Field Visits of Principal Secretary/CSE/Directors/RJDSEs (School Education) to the districts –Certain directions to the District Educational Officers / Deputy Educational Officers / Mandal Educational Officers / Headmasters of the Secondary Schools

The interest of all the District Educational Officers / Deputy Educational Officers / Mandal Educational Officers /Deputy Inspector of Schools/ Headmasters of the Secondary Schools in the place are knowledgeable that the greater officers of faculty schooling branch wishes to go to O/o the District Educational Ofcers, O/o the Deputy Educational Officers, O/o the Mandal Educational Officers and Schools very soon.

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the location are requested to difficulty guidelines to their team of workers and their subordinate workplaces to replace all the Registers viz., Personal Registers, In-ward and Out-ward registers, Court case registers, all kind of grievances etc., and additionally preserve the workplace premises neatly. please make certain that all files, grievances have to be disposed of inside the stipulated time as per policies different sensible it will considered as serious.

Further they are directed to make sure that to clear all lengthy pending problems as early and also make sure to dispose the archives / instances except stagnation as the Principal Secretary has mentioned that there is massive stagnation troubles in the department

The Headmasters/ MEOs working in the area are requested to observe the under directions scrupulously and to sensitize all the instructors in their respective schools.

i. Note Books and Work Books have to be corrected with the aid of the involved teacher.

ii. Conduct the examinations as per schedule

iii. Evaluation of the reply scripts and distribute the evaluated reply scripts to the college students without delay and give an explanation for the errors to each and every student

iv. Update the Central Marks Registers and different registers maintained with the aid of the group / teachers.

v. Maintain the type wise, difficulty smart Lesson plans

vi. Update the MDM Registers etc.

vii.Focus to enhance the analyzing and writing besides mistakes.

viii. a hundred percent Utilization of J.V.K objects shoes,bags,books dictionary and so on


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