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Swachhata Action Plan in each School

 Operational     guidelines    for   development  of Swachhata  Action Plan  in  each  School under  Samagra  Shiksha – Certain guidelines

 While enclosing the  reference cited, where in the  Director, Ministry of Education,  Department of School Education  &  Literacy,  Government of India, New Delhi  has  informed that  the   Global evidence  suggest  that water, sanitation and hygiene  (WASH) in school has positive impacts on learning  environment,  health  &   educational  outcome  for children  and recent  COVID-19 period  have  further exaggerated  the   significance  of “Resilient basic functional wash services in school”.

As envisaged under Samagra  Shiksha,  Swachhata  Action Plan (SAP)” provides a  ready  opportunity  to  Plan, implement and converge  action towards  sustained   improvement  of  the    WASH  facilities  provisions  & Hygiene behaviours in schools. Robust SAP development, as realistic local planning, is the  frst step towards improved WASH services in the  schools. To  achieve the   vision  of clean  school, SAP, Samagra  Shiksha, has the following specific integrated features/ requirements


•        SAP should be based on credible analysis of existing situation, gap assessment

•   Convergence with the  key departments/ ministry/

schemes/Stakeholders at the  local level.

•        Samagra Shiksha, Provides for an anuual composite school grant varying up to Rs.1 Lakh per year depending on the  number of Students, out  of which 10%  has to be spent on SAP priorities.

•   SAP needs to be integrated in the  Annual implementation

Plan for education.

•   A Mechanism is required to track progress against the


In this connection, the   Government of India has circulated a detailed Guidance notes for development of school level “Swachhata  Action Plan” and SAP Template”. States/UTs which have robust state Specific MIS, with Specific information are advised to  integrate the   Swachhata  Action Plan (SAP) with their MIS System for effective monitoring.

All the   District Educational  Officers  &  Ex-Offcio  Project Coordinators, and  Additional  Project Coordinators, Samagra  Shiksha in the   State are requested to issue appropriate guidance/ instructions to the  schools in the State  for the   development of a robust “Swachhata  Action Plan” in each School

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