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Declaration of Personal Cash by the Government Officials - Enhancing from Rs.500/- to Rs.1000/-

 Declaration   of   Personal   Cash  by   the   Government Officials  at  the  time  of  reporting  to  duty  In  possession  - Enhancing  from Rs.500/-  to Rs.1000/- Orders 

 Sub-rules  8(A)  and 8(8) of rule-9  of the  Andhra  Pradesh  Civil Services (Conduct)  Rules,  1964  reads as follows:•

 "(8)(A) The  Government or any  authority empowered  by them  in this behalf  may,  require  a   Government  Servant to  render  a  full  and  true account  of  the  cash  found   in  his  possession  at  any  time  and  such account  shall   include   particulars  of  the   means   by  which   and  the sources  from  which  such cash was acquired.

 (8)(B) The  Government or  any  authority  empowered  by  them  in  this behalf  may,  by general  or special order  require a  Government  servant on duty  not  to  keep cash in his possession beyond  a  specified  sum and to  declare  the cash in his possession in the manner  prescribed." (check and cashing near me)

 2.        In  the  G.O.  second  read  above,  orders  were  issued,  directing  that all employees  of all  Departments dealing  with cash including  revenue  collecting Departments  shall give a  declaration  as follows:

 i)        Declaration  of  (maximum cash ) personal  cash at  the  time of  reporting to duty  if in excess of Rs.500/-.

ii)       Cash may be declared while on tour if in excess of Rs.10,000/-.

 3.       In  the  letter  third  read  above,  the  Director  General,  Anti-Corruption Bureau  has sent  a  proposal  to  the  Government  to  increase  the ceiling  limit on possession of personal cash by the Government Officials  while  on duty  in office from Rs.500/-  to Rs.1000/-.

 4.       After  careful  examination  of  the  matter,  Government  consider  that now digital  payment Apps are  being used in general and otherwise  also there is no need to keep more cash.   Accordingly, Government direct that all Government  employees    of  all   Departments   dealing   with   cash   including revenue  collecting  Departments  shall  give  a  declaration  of  personal  cash at the  time  of  reporting  to  duty,  if  it  is  in  excess  of  Rs.1000/-  (Rupees  one thousand  only).     The  declaration  of  cash  procedure  shall   be  followed   as usual. (checks cash near me)


MLC Teachers Constituencies Final Electoral Roll - 2022.

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