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Insisting of a certificate who have completed 25 years of service

 Insisting of a certificate who have completed 25 years of service

Pensions- Insisting of a certificate by all the T.Os from the DDOs regarding the no employees who have completed 25 years of service in their office at the time of submission of Nov 22 pay bills

 Attention of all the DT & AOs in the state is invited to the subject cited. They are informed that it has  come to the notice of the undersigned that the 1st payment of pensions are being delayed in the state due to non submission of pension  proposals  by  the  pension  sanctioning   authorities  to   the  pension authorizing  authorities and these is because non up dation of service  register of the employees.

In this connection, it is informed that ,  As per the provisions  contained in 4(b) of Appendix 1 in APRPR,  1980 i.e.,  "Every  Head of Office  shall as soon as the Government  employee  (Other  than  Class-IV   &   other  low  paid  employees) completes 25 years  of service,  forward the  Service  Book  to  the Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh,  for verification  of the service  particulars  and have a certificate recorded in the Service Book to  the effect that the service upto the specified date (date should be specified by the Accountant General) has been accepted in audit for purpose of Pension".    "In the case of Class-IV and other low paid employees, the verification shall be done by the Head of the Office / Head of the Department since the verification  of pension in these cases had been taken out of the purview of the Accountant General".

 In view of the above, all the DTAOs  are requested to issue instructions to  all the  Treasury officers  to  obtain a certificate  from the DDOs  regarding  the number of employees who  have completed 25 years  of service  in their office  at the time of submission of November 2022 pay bills at the first instance, so as to address to their HODs for issuing of instructions to their PSAs for forwarding the S.Bs to  the A.G  for verification of their service as per the orders contained in A.P.R.P Rules 1980 so as to  avoid delay in sanction of pension and to  receive pension in the succeeding month of their retirement



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