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Instructions to open PD accounts for transfer of TMF funds to schools

Orders with instructions to open PD accounts for transfer of TMF funds to schools

 The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State is drawn to the reference tread active wherein the Government have issued orders for setting up of Toilet Maintenance Fund (TMF) for maintaining clean toilets in all Govt. Schools arst Alor Colleges in the state

 The District Educational Officers are further informed that, the Government in the reference 2nd read above have created PD Accounts towards STME/DIME for transfer of funds under Toilet Maintenance of Fund

 Consequent on restructuring of the districts and creation of 13 new districts, vide reference 3rd read above, the Government have accorded permission to create PD Accounts in the newly formed districts accordingly PD accounts has been created in the new districts vide reference thrited

 A copy of the Government orders along with reference 4th read above for the creation of PD Accounts to the newly formed districts is herewith communicated to all the District Education Officers, with instructions to take necessary action to transfer the hands (work fowl as per the above Government orders to the DTMF immediately



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