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 NOTIFICATION NO.28/2022, Dt.30/09/2022




 1.1. Applications are invited online for recruitment to the posts falling under Group Services for a total of 02 CF and 90 Fresh vacancies.

 12. The candidate shot apply online through Commission's Website The application can be submitted from 13/10/2022 to 02/11/2022 (Note: 01/11/2022 is the last date for payment of fee upto 11:59 mid night).

 13. The applicant who desires to apply for the above post shall login the Commission's Website, with his/her registered OTPR number. In case, the candidate is applying for the fist time to the posts notified by APPSC. he/she shall register his/her bio-data particulars through One Time Profile Registration (OTPR) on the Commission's Website viz in Once applicant registers his/her particulars, a user ID is generated and sent to he/her registered mobile number and email ID.

 Note: L. One Time Registration is not considered as an application for any post under any circumstances. 1. The applicants are advised to retain their mobile number and Email ID registered in

 OTP for receiving OTFR/SMS for further communication

 The Commission conducts Screening test as per GOMLNO. 158.GABERA Dept 0124/12/2018 and G.OMS039, General Administration (Ser A) Department, dated 26.03.2019. In terms of GOMINOS General Administration (er A) Dept. dated 05.01.2018, candidates will be short listed to the mains (descriptive)Examination in the ratio as may be decided by the Commission of on appropriate time.

 15. In respect of Screening test, the objective type examination wit be held in offline mode (OMR based). The Main Examination would be in descriptive type

 The Preliminary Exam (Objective type is tentatively to be held on 18/12/2022. The Witten Examination (Main) [descriptive) is tentatively scheduled to be held in the 2nd half of March, 2023.

 The candidates are required to vet the Commissions website regularly to keep himself/ herself updated about confirmed dates of Examination to be held Instructions regarding written Examination are attached on Annexure The candidate has to choose the medium in which he/she wants to wite the examination and the paper will be viewed with reference to that medium orty.

 16 A general Mock Test facility is available to the applicants on the Commission's website to ocquart themselves with the computer based recruitment test Applicant con vit the enrole and practice the answering poftem under MOCK TEST option available on main correspondence by any means will be entertained under any circumstances.

1.8. Medium of writing Main Examination, post preferences and zonal preferences will be taken through online from the candidates who qualified for Main Written Examination at the time of Main Examination. Qualified candidates are required to visit Commission's website regularly for the purpose.

 1.9. HALL TICKETS for the Screening & Main Examination (descriptive) will be hosted on Commission's website for downloading. Instructions would be given through the website regarding downloading of Hall Tickets.

 1.10. All desirous and eligible candidates shall apply online after satisfying themselves as per the terms and conditions of this recruitment notification. Any application sent through any mode other than the prescribed online mode will not be entertained under any circumstances. Submission of application form by the candidate is construed as he/she read the notification and shall abide by the terms and conditions laid down there under.


 1. The details of vacancies viz.. Community, State-Wide. Multi Zone, Zonal and Gender wise (General/Women) may be seen at Annexure-I

 2. The number of vacancies and Deportments are subject to variation on Intimation. being received from the Department concerned. Addition of vacancies if any, will be accepted only before the date of Preliminary Test and an addendum to that effect will be issued. Deletion of vacancies any, can be effected upto the declaration of the result.

 3. GOMs.No.120, GA(SER-A) Department, dt:28/09/2022( Age relaxation for Uniform post)


 He/ She is of sound health, active habits and free from any bodily defect or

 Infemity rendering him/her unfit for such service: His/Her character and antecedents are such as to quality him/her for such service:

 website and practice the answering pattern under MOCK TEST option available on main page of website

 The applicant is required to visit the Commission's website regularly to keep himself / herself updated until completion of the recruitment process. The Commission's website information is final for all correspondence. No individual 

He/She possesses the academic and other qualifications prescribed for the post; and

 iv. He/ She is a citizen of India:

 Provided that no candidate other than a citizen of India may be appointed except with the previous sanction of the State Government and except in accordance with such conditions and restrictions as they may be laid down. Such sanction shall not be accorded unless the State Government are satisfied that sufficient number of citizens of India, who are qualified and suitable are not available.


 The candidate should possess the prescribed academic qualification as on the date of this notification. The date of this notification shall be the crucial date for calculating the experience including the practical experience. In respect of other than prescribed Educational Qualifications, claiming equivalence, the decision of the concerned deportment  shall be final

 Note: If the applicant possesses an equivalence of qualification other than prescribed qualification in the Commission's notification, applicant should produce a copy of the Government Orders the Commission in advance within 10 days of last date for submitting applications, failing which their application will be rejected.


 For Post Code No. 03 04 & 05: Must be atleast 167.6 Cms. in height and atleast 86.3 Cms. round the Chest on full expansion, with a chest expansion of atleast 5 Cms. (as per G.O. Ms.No147, Finance (HR-I, Pig & Policy) Dept., dt.06/08/2016).

 For S.T.: Must be atleast 164 Cms. in height and atleast 83.8 Cms. round the Chest on full expansion, with a chest expansion of atleast 5 Cms. (as per G.O. Ms.No147, Finance (HR-1, Pig & Policy) Dept., dt.06/08/2016).

 For Post Code No. 03 (Women): Must be atleast 152.5 Cms, in height, and atleast 86.3 Cms. round the Chest on full expansion, with a chest expansion of atleast 5 Cms. and not less than 45.5 Kg in weight. (as per G.O. Ms.No147. Finance (HR-1, Pig & Policy) Dept., dt.06/08/2016)

 For Pc. No. 03 & 05: Vision: The candidate's eye sight will be tested in accordance with the following rules. The result of each test will be recorded.

 (i) General -The candidate will be directed to a general examination to the detection of any disease or abnormality of his eyes. The candidate will be rejected if he suffers from any morbid conditions of eye(s), eyelids or contiguous structure if such a sort as to render or are likely to render him/her unfit for service on a further date.

 (ii) Visual Acuity The Examination for determining the acuteness of vision includes two tests-one for distant and the other for near vision. Each eye will be examined separately.

 (b) There shall be no limit for maximum naked eye vision but the naked eye vision of the candidates shall however be recorded by the Medical Board or other medical authority in every case, as it will furnish the basic information in regard to the condition of the eye.

Note: The physical standards and guidelines relating to Medical Examinations of candidates appearing for recruitment to Uniform posts, as per G.O, Ms.No147. Finance, (HR-I, Pig & Policy) Dept.. dt.06/08/2016, read with Regulation 14-A () of Commission's Regulations and with reference to special rules, shall apply. (Annexure -V)


 4.1. There will be reservations in direct recruitment in respect of Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes. Physically Challenged Economically Weaker Sections, Women and Meritorious Sports Persons as per Rule 22 ond 22 (A) of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules. However, Women reservation is not applicable for the post code nos. 04 & 05 as per Departmental Special Rules,

 NOTE: The candidates belonging to SC, ST, BC, EWS & PH and who avalls upper age relaxation will also be considered for open category vacancies".

 4.2. There will be reservations in direct recruitment in respect of Physically Challenged Persons, as per Rule 22 and 22 (A) of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules, and read with Departmental Special Rules except Post Code Nos. 03, 04, 05. & 07. However, PH reservation for Post Code No, 02 is restricted to HH & OH only, (As per G.O. Ms.No.203. Revenue (CT) Dept.. Dt. 10/03/2010) and for Post Code No. 06 & 07 is restricted to O.H only (As per Departmental Special Rules),

 4.3. In the case of candidates who claim the benefit of reservation or relaxation from upper age limit on the basis of Caste/Tribe or Community/ Category the basic document of proof of Community/ Category will be the Certificate issued by the Revenue Authorities not below the rank of Tahsildar in the case of SC/ST/EWS and Non Creamy Layer ZONE-I ZONE-II Srikakulam, Visakhapatnam and Vizianagaram. (SKM, VSP. VZM)


 :East Godavari, West Godavari and Krishna. (EG, WG. KST) : Guntur, Prakasam and Nellore. (GNT, PKM, NLR) : Chittoor, Cuddapah, Anantapur and Kumool. (CTR, CDP, ATP, KNL) ZONE


 6.1. A local candidate has been defined in G.OMs.No.674, General Administration (SPF-A) Department, dated 20.10.1975 LOCAL CANDIDATE as follows:

 "Local Candidate: (1) A candidate for direct recruitment to any post shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to a local area.

 (a) in cases where a minimum educational qualification has been prescribed for recruitment to the post.

 () "if he has studied in an educational institution or educational institutions in such local area for a period of not less than four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or, as the case may be, first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination; or

 (i) where during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be, first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination he has not studied in any educational institution, it he has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years immediately preceding the date of commencement of the qualifying examination in which he appeared or as the case may be, first appeared.

 (b) In cases where no minimum educational qualification has been prescribed for recruitment to the post, if he has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years immediately proceeding the date on which the post is notified for recruitment. Explanations:- For the purpose of the paragraph.

 (i) educational institution means a University or any educational institution recognized by the State Government, a University or other competent authority.

 () relevant qualifying examination in relation to a post means:

 (a) the examination, a pass in which is the minimum educational qualification prescribed for the post:



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