Absorption of aided staff to Government/Local body schools - Payment of salaries
Absorption of aided staff to Government/Local body schools - Payment of salaries
Takeover of willing Private Aided Schools - Absorption of aided staff to Government/Local body schools - Payment of salaries
In response to the letter 1st cited above, the DTAO, NTR is requested to examine the following issues and take necessary action accordingly
(a) Examine the present status of the aided
schools/institutions in question in light
of the orders issued vide
G.O.Ms.No.50, SE 17-08-2021 i.e.,
whether they have become Government institutions by
handing over management
and infrastructure to Government
or became Private
unaided institutions by surrendering aided staff to Government.
Whether there exists
any orders issued
by the Government
for transferring the
absorbed aided staff
from the Government/Local Body Schools into which they were initially
absorbed to aided schools, as the orders
on ban on transfers is in force.
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