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National De-worming Day - Instructions and Guidelines

National De-worming Day scheduled on 08.09.2022 –instructions and Guidelines

 The attention of all the R.J.D.S.Es., D.E.Os & APCs in the state are invited to the above reference cited, wherein the Govt. of India has proposed the National De-worming Day  on 08.09.2022. The aim is De-worming all Pre School and  School age  children between age  1-19 years  thorough the  platform  of Schools and Anganwadi centres to improve the children over all health nutritional status access to Education and quality of life.

  In this regard the Govt. of India has directed to conduct bi-annual De- worming and decided to  conduct 2nd  round De-worming  Day on 08.09.2022  to cover the all School Children from age 1-19 years. In this regard they support the Co-ordination  of  School  Education,  Intermediate  Education,  Women   &   Child Welfare    department,    Tribal   Welfare    department,    Municipal   Administration department,  Juvenile Department and Panchayatraj  department with Health and Family Welfare is very much essential proper implementation of the Programme.

 In view of the above the following instructions are  hereby issued to all the R.J.D.S.Es., D.E.Os  &  APCs in the state  to  implement the programme on 08.09.2022 and make it a grand success

 All the  District Educational  Officers in the  State  are here by appointed as Nodal Officers in their Districts and to coordinate  with the   DM&HO   and to  see that the   Medicine reach every School point well in advance.

 2.The  District Educational   Officers  should  instruct all   the M.E.Os/H.Ms of all  Schools in their  jurisdiction to  see that every student is covered under this Programme.

 3. All H.Ms to  give vide publicity and explain the    importance of the  De-worming  to the  children through

 I. School Assembly

 II. School Management Committee Meeting

III. Parents- Teachers Meeting

 IV. To write on the  Block board in each class room form 02.09.2022  on wards and every  teacher  to  discuss one minute   before  commencement   of  class   about  the importance of the  National De-worming Day.

 V. And  other sources, if any.

 4. Students should consume the  medicine after  lunch and at their class  room only, and preferably  take 100 to  200 ml. Drinking Water.

 5. Every H.M  Should be in touch with the  local ANMs/ Medical Officers to Procure the  medicine on or before 05.09.2022.

 6. The M.E.Os are  overall  responsible for all schools in their Mandal and should coordinate with the  PHC medical officer to ensure timely supply  the  medicine. They should also  monitor regularly    and   ensure   effective    implementation   of   the Programme

 7.  The D.E.Os and  the   R.J.D.S.Es to  review the   preparatory arrangements and monitor the  programme.

 In case of any  issues,  they may contact State Nodal  Ofcer, Sri Srinivas  Reddy,  Deputy Director,  Cell:9030344449, O/o the  Commissioner of Health and Family Welfare , Mangalgiri, Amaravati.

 8.Tablets will be issued free of Cost by the  Health Department.

 9.  Mild side effects may arise in  children with high worm load. The side efects are usually not serious and would pass by soon. If there are  any  cases  reported, bring  it  to   the  notice  of  the  Health Department immediately.

 10. The instructions issued  by the Health Department, Frequently asked Questions on De-worming school children with answers and Do’s and Dont’s list also enclosed along  with this proceedings for ready reference.

 11.The M.E.Os should collect school wise data in following proforma and submit to the DEOs


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