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Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2010 - Amendments

 The  Andhra  Pradesh   Right   of  Children   to  Free   and Compulsory  Education  Rules, 2010  - Amendments   - Notification   - Orders -Issued.

 In   the  G.O.  first  read   above,   the  Government  have  framed   the Andhra   Pradesh   Right  of  Children  to   Free   and   Compulsory   Education Rules,  2010   under  the  provisions  of  the  Right  of  Children  to  Free  and Compulsory   Education  Act,  2009,  (Act  No.35  of 2009)  and  published  the Notification  in  Extra-ordinary  issue  of the Andhra  Pradesh  Gazette,  dated:05.03.2011.

  2.        In   the   letter   sixth    read   above,    the   Chairperson,  NCPCR,    has informed   that  Standard   Operating   Procedure   (SOP)  for   implementation of Section  12(1)(c)   of the  RTE  Act,  2009  -  Model  Procedure  for Effective Implementation,   has   been   developed   by   NCPCR,   with   the   support   of Ministry   of  Education   (MoE),   to   strengthen   the   processes   for   private schools   in   fulfilling  their  responsibilities   as  given   under   the  Act   and requested  to implement  the  provisions  in  the  State  and  extend  the  rights to  the  disadvantaged  children,  as the  State  Governments  is  to  bring  out mechanisms  for  implementation  of the  different  provisions  of the  RTE  Act,2009.

 3.        In   the   letter  seventh   read   above,   the   Commissioner  of  School Education,  has submitted  proposal  for  making  certain  amendments to the Andhra   Pradesh   Right  of  Children   to   Free   and   Compulsory    Education Rules, 2010.

 4.        Government  after  careful  examination  of  the  matter,  hereby  order to  amend   the Andhra  Pradesh  Right  of Children  to  Free  and  Compulsory Education   Rules,   2010   issued   in  G.O.Ms.No.20,   School   Education   (PE• Progs.I)  Department,  dated:  03.03.2011 suitably.

 5.        Accordingly,  the  following   notification  will  be  published  in  an  Extra- Ordinary issue  of the Andhra  Pradesh  Gazette  dated:  15.07.2022.


 In  exercise  of the  powers  conferred  by sub-section  (i)  of  Section  38 of the  Right of Children  to Free and  Compulsory   Education Act,  2009  (Act No.35  of  2009),  the  Government  of  Andhra  Pradesh  hereby  make  the following   amendments  to  the  Andhra  Pradesh  Right  of  Children  to  Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2010 issued in G.O.Ms.No.20, School Education   (PE-Progs.I)Department,   dated :03.03.2011,   as  subsequently amended  from  time  to  time:-



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