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NPS-CPS-family members in case of died while in service without having PRAN No - authorization of Family Pension


National Pension System – Contributory Pension Scheme – For  authorization of Family Pension/Invalid Pension to the  State Government employees covered under NPS  and  their  family members in case  of died  while in service without having PRAN No – Orders issued by Government – Instructions – Issued

 Attention  of  all  the  District   Treasury  and  Accounts  officers   of  District Treasuries in the State; and the Assistant Treasury Officer,  Andhra  Pradesh Capital Region   Treasury,  Amaravati  @  Ibrahimpatnam  is  invited   to  the  subject   cited wherein the  Government vide  reference 5th cited  have  given  clarification, for e x t e n d i n g   t h e   p e n s i o n a r y   benefits  to   the   family   members  of the Government employees expired  while  in service  without  having  PRAN  No’s  as stated  below.

(a).   The  employee  expired   while  in  service,  without   PRAN  Number having  CPS  contribution: The  cases  need  to be  considered forfamily pension on par  with  the  employees those  who  are  having  PRAN  No. and opted  for family pension. As the contributed amount was not sent to NPSTRUST, there  is no need  to remit  the accumulated contributions to Government Account by the family  members as per the procedure stated  in reference 1st cited.

 (b) The Employees expired while in service with out PRAN Number without  CPS contribution:  The cases need to be considered for family pension on par with the employees those who  are having  PRAN No. and opted  for family  pension. However as the CPS contributions are not recovered, the amount equal to the employee contributions only for the period  from  the date  of entering into  service  to the date  of death   shall  be  remitted  to  Government  Account  by  the  family members in lieu of enjoying family  pension".

Therefore, the Drawing and Disbursing Officer  at last working station   of  the  employee  shall  prepare  a  statement  showing  the details  of deductions to be made  in the Annexures enclosed.

 If CPS  deductions are  at single station, then  the  DDO  has to  furnish information in Annexure-I on  consultation with  Treasury Officer and  the employee contribution amount so arrived shall  be remitted to  the  Government Account under the  HoA:   0071-01-101-00-06-000- 000VN by  the  pension sanctioning authority duly following  the   instructions   issued    in   the   circular    mentioned  at reference 3rd cited.

 And  in case  the  CPS  deductions are  to be recovered from more  than  one place,  then  each  Drawing and Disbursing Officer  of previous stations  including last  station  DDO  has  to furnish  details  of deductions in Annexure-I  to  the  DDO  of  the  last  working  station duly    countersigned   by the   respective   Treasury   Officer    /  PAO concerned . Then  the DDO  of last  working station  has to furnish  the details  in Annexure-II on  consultation with  Treasury Officer  and  the employee contribution amount so  arrived  shall  be  remitted to the Government Account under  the HoA:  0071-01- 101-00-06-000-000VN by the  pension sanctioning authority duly  following the  instructions issued  in the circular  mentioned at reference 3rd cited.

 Further,  the   Government  has   also given  clarification  for   the cases of  serving CPS  employees whose whereabouts are  not known as below:

The same procedure shall be followed in case of serving employees under  the  fold  of  CPS,  as  is being  allowed to the  OPS employees "whose  whereabouts are not known  as per 14 (B) of Appendix-I of the  AP  Revised  Pension  Rules-1980’’  as  per G.O.Ms.No.241,   Fin.&Plg. (FW:Pen-I) Dept.,  dated  10-09-1987 read with G.O.Ms.No.41, Fin.& Plg. (FW:Pen-I) Dept.,  dated  08-02-1994.

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