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Nadu-Nedu Phase-II - Infrastructure facilities & Construction of Buildings in Anganwadi Instructions

 Mana  Badi  Nadu  Nedu  -  Foundation  Schools  Construction  in  Nadu• Nedu  Phase-II   -Guidelines   to  take  up    basic   infrastructure   works I with  Nadu  Nedu  components  for  improving   Infrastructure  facilities in   Anganwadi   Buildings     and   construction    of    new    Anganwadi I Buildings    -  Implementation   of  the   program  through   Foundation II School  Development  committees  through Community  Contracting 

Government   has   taken   a   decision    to  give   a    facelift   to   all   the

Government     Schools     including     Foundation     Schools     and     Satellite Foundation Schools (Anganwadi Centres) in the State by improving the infrastructure    to    provide     quality    education    including     pre-primary education.

 (2) Government decided  to:

 I.    Construct   new   AWCs  for  the  building-less  AWCs  outside   primary


II.  Construct  new AWCs for the centres  located  in the school  premises.

Ill. Up gradation  of  AWCs located  in School  premises under  Nadu-Nedu


 (3)   Government   vide    G.O.   No.84,   dated   24.12.2021   has   introduced certain  changes   in  the  Education  system   where  in  PPl,   and   PP2   are introduced  as part of the  primary education.  As they are  now  part of the Education  system  Infrastructure  improvements  are  proposed   under Phase

-Il  of Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu  Program.

(4)  Director Women   and  Child  Welfare  department  has  given   the  list  of the AWCs to  be taken  up  in  consultation  with  District  collectors  for both upgradation  and for  new construction.

5.   For  the   implementation   of  the   program   the  following   orders  and guidelines  are   issued.

(5) Unit cost  for construction  of Foundation  Schools:

a)  Satellite  Foundation  School  Building

753  square feet  plinth  area  with  a   unit  cost  of  Rs   14  lakhs  and  Rs.2.50 lakhs  for providing Furniture  and Play  equipment for  2236 AWCs where the

centres are    running   in rented  buildings   and  are lKM  away  from  Primary/ UP School  campus.   The  budget  will   be  tied  up  with  NABARD/RIDF  and State funds.

b)  Class  rooms   for  Pre-Primary (AWC)  in  Co  -  located   Foundation


Each  class  room  will  have  646  Sft  Plinth   areas  (including varandah) with  a  unit  cost  of  13  lakhs.  The  size  of  Class Room  will  be   6100 X 7300 mm  (20 X 24) and Veranda will be 1830X7300 mm (6x24).

(6) Implementing  agencies:

The Project for new construction and upgradation of Foundation Schools  shall  be executed  by the  respective  Engineering  Departments  on par with  Phase-II  Nadu-Nedu   Schools.  The  construction  works which  are already in progress and are under execution through Panchayat Raj Department   and   Tribal   Welfare   Department   and   Housing    shall   be completed    by   the   Panchayat   Raj    Department   and   Tribal    Welfare Department   and   Housing    Department   only.   For   other   projects   the Executing  agencies  of  Phase-II  will  take up these  works  as part of Phase

2  of MBNN Program.

(7)   Role    of   Foundation    School    Development    Committee    and

Parents  Committee:

a. All the Satellite  Foundation  Schools(located  outside  School  campus) will   be  taken  up  by   Foundation  School   Development  committees through  community  contracting  methodology  on  the  lines  of  Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu  program.

b. Additional   class   rooms   for  PPl   and   PP2   will   be  taken  up  by  the

Parents  Committees  of the respective  schools.

c.  The     satellite      Foundation      School      (Anganwadi)      Development

Committee  shall  be formed with  the following members

1. Sachivalayam  Engineering  Assistant


3.  Supervisor,  Women  and Child Welfare  Department  (Convenor)

4.  Mahila  Samrakshana  karyadarsi  (Mahila  police)

5.   Five   mothers   of   the  children   age   3  to  5  years  who   are attending  AWC(s).

d.      For  collocated  AWC The  Parents  Committee  will  have the following members:

1. School  Head Master    (Convenor)

2.  1 CDS Supervisor  (Member).


4.  Sachivalayam  Engineer Assistant  (Member).

5.   Five  Parents  of  School  going   Children  (5Members)  of  AWC there  is  one   School  development  Committee  exists  the  same shall   be  confirmed  with  including  of  AW  Teacher   on  co-opted member.



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