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Mapping of Schools and reapportionment Govt, ZPP/MPP – representations received from the Hon’ble MLAs - Instructions

 Nadu Nedu Academics – Mapping of Schools and reapportionment of teaching staff under various managements viz., Govt, ZPP/MPP – representations received from the Hon’ble MLAs

 I invite the attention of all the District Magistrate & Collectors in the State to the reference 1st cited, wherein Government have issued orders for restructuring and relocating the existing Anganwadi centers and existing non residential schools run by State Government, Mandal Parishad, Zilla Parishad, Municipal and Tribal Welfare departments schools into (i) Satellite Foundation School  (PP1  &  PP2) (ii)Foundational  School  (PP1,  PP2,  Class1  &  2);  (iii) Foundational School Plus (PP1, PP2, Classes 1 to 5);(iv) Pre High School (Classes 3 to 7 or 8);(v) High School(Classes 3 to 10) and (vi) High School Plus(Classes 3 to 12), for transforming educational infrastructure

 Further in reference 2nd  and 3rd  cited Government have issued certain amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2010. Accordingly, the Government have published Gazette, dt:27.12.2021 in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(1) of section

38 of the Right of Children to Free and compulsory Education Act, 2009(Act No.35 of 2009) has made certain amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2010 issued vide G.O.Ms.No.20, School Education(PE-Progs.I)Dept., dt:03.03.2011.

   To take up the process of mapping the Classes 3,4,5 of Foundation

 /Foundation Plus schools to the neighbour hood Pre-High School/ High School within the distance of 1 KM having Classrooms, infrastructure  with High Schools/ Pre-High School. Not to map those classes when there exists any Natural Barriers. The Classes 6,7,8 of Pre-High Schools shall be mapped to the High Schools existing basing on the Student Classroom Ratio and as perG.O.Ms.No.84, 85 dt:24.12.2021 and Gazetted dt:27.12.2021 [Since, no further new accommodation is necessary for these sections]. Not to map those classes when there exists any Natural Barriers.


Instructions for drawl of salaries to the Municipal Teachers

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