Jagananna Videshi Vidya Deevena -- For Higher Studies in Top 200 Universities abroad -For SC/ST/BC/Minority/ EBC including Kapu Students -- Policy and Implementation Framework in supersession of all previous orders -Orders - Issued.
Government of Andhra Pradesh is implementing several Welfare schemes to all eligible citizens irrespective of caste, creed, religion, region in a transparent manner at the door steps of the citizens under NAVARATNALU.
2. Vide G.Os 1" to 11" cited, the Government have introduced the schemes to provide financial assistance to the students to pursue higher education in foreign countries to complete professional courses and other Graduate courses.
3. After the analysis of the scheme implementation during the previous government, the following lapses have been observed.
1. Selection process: Since the candidates are made to apply against limited number of seats earmarked under the scheme, there is discretion in the selection process, leading to less transparency and corruption.
11. The scheme is not on saturation basis, which is giving scope for recommendations.
The quality of institutions selected is not good.The guidelines do not prescribe strict norms with regard to ranking of institutions based on which the students shall choose the Institution for studying abroad. This resulted in the student selecting very low ranked institutions, thereby defeating the objective of getting better and quality learning in foreign institutions.
iv. Choice of course: Though the guidelines indicated the areas/subjects where the students can enroll, upon closer scrutiny, it has been noticed that students have chosen courses which are not in tune with the stated objectives of the scheme. Such enrollments were not properly scrutinized and hence led to wastage of public resources. If these resources had been spent within the country, more number of students with the same amount could have been admitted in better courses in renowned institutions resulting in better employment opportunities for them.
v. The scheme was not implemented properly by the previous Government and large no. of students were not paid since 2016-17, the total dues amounting to Rs.318 Cr., pertaining to 3326 students.
4. Vide reference 12" cited, the Director, Social Welfare addressed a letter to the Director General, Vigilance & Enforcement department for verification of the credentials of the students who have gone for study abroad and joined in the Universities during previous government.
5. The enquiry report of the Vigilance and Enforcement department, vide reference 13
cited, brought out serious lapses in
implementation of the scheme, as stated below:
a. The criteria for selection of the candidates, wherein annual income limit of the parents was specified, had not been followed.
b. Many of the Students have changed the Country of study after sanction of the scheme, without taking prior approval from the competent authority.
c. Similarly, many of the students have changed their approved course of study after sanction of the scheme, without taking prior approval from the competent authority.
d. Many of the Students have changed the University of study after sanction of the scheme, without taking prior approval from the competent authority
e. It is noticed that some students have discontinued their course and returned to India after availing the financial assistance under the scheme.
f. In few instances the condition of allowing one child per family was violated and sanctions were given to more than one child within the family.
g. In some cases, the applicants were not traced out at the given address when enquiry was conducted.
6. In view of the issues noted above, especially the vigilance enquiry report, as well as the negligence shown in implementation of the scheme from the period 2016-17 onwards, it is felt that there is need to revamp the whole scheme orienting it towards qualitative education in foreign institutions. Accordingly, the following guidelines are hereby issued. These orders shall supersede all the orders cited in the references above.
i. The scheme shall be known hereafter as 'Jagananna Videshi Vidya Deevena.
11. Top 200 Universities: The financial assistance shall be sanctioned to eligible students who get admissions in any of the top 200 universities as per the latest QS world university rankings only.