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Supply of Sand for Nadu-Nedu Schools from School Stock Points - Nadu Nedu Phase - II Newly Sanctioned District Wise Schools List

 Supply  of Sand for  Nadu-Nedu  Schools from  School  Stock  Points- 

Nadu Nedu Phase -II Newly Sanctioned District Wise Schools List

Stock Register to be maintained  and certain further guidelines- Regarding

 In   the   references   cited   above   certain   guideline   are  issued   regarding

Supply  of Sand to Nadu-Nedu  Schools.

 In       continuation       of       the      above,       further      guidelines     regarding maintenance  of records and others  are  given  below:

 1.     The  Cluster  Resource  Person  (CRP)  shall  maintain  the  Sand  Stock  register as per the format given  in  the  annexure.

2.    The  labor charges for doing  into  truck /  tractor send  by  Head  Master / Parent  Committee  shall be  paid  by  Respective  Parent  Committees  only from  the  revolving fund.

3.    Wherever  feasible    /   available  tractor   mounted    mini   dozers   may   be engaged  for  loading of Sand  and  the  rate shall  be  paid  per  each  tractor / truck load.

4.    The   CRP   shall   be  take  the  help   of  Engineering  Assistant  /  Amenities Secretary  on calculations  / conversion from volume to  weight of  Sand and vice  versa.

5.    The  CRP  shall access  Computer  &  Printers  along with  stationary  at  School

6.    Stock  Point  level.7.     The CRP shall be given  a  login  to access  STMS.

8.      The  initial  rate  of  Sand at  School  Stock  Point  level  will  be known  and  kept in  STMS.

9.     After supply  of Sand to a  school,  the CRP shall  generate  an invoice  to  Head Master/  Parent Committee  of  receiving school.

Based  on the  last mile  stone transaction  i.e.  acceptance of Head  Master/ Recipient,  the bill will  be prepared  by FAQ  and the same  shall  be accepted and  approved   by  APC  and  to  be  pushed  to  CFMS for  online   payment  to Director  Mines & Geology.

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