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ఉద్యోగుల సాధారణ బదిలీల షెడ్యూల్ మరియు మార్గదర్శకాలు జారీ

 ఉద్యోగుల సాధారణ బదిలీల షెడ్యూల్ మరియు మార్గదర్శకాలు జారీ చేస్తూ ఉత్తర్వులు విడుదల.*

Public Services - Human Resources - Transfers and postings of Employees - Guidelines/Instructions - Orders - Issued.

*AP Employees Transfers GO 116 Released*

*Transfers process from 8th June to 17th June*

*Detailed Guidelines, Process, Rules available at



The  Government  is  committed  to  the  welfare  of  its  employees  and  seeks  to promote work-life balance to  enable the  employees and  their families  lead  happy and contented lives. In this direction, the Governments policy is to ensure that every employee is posted at a work place where she/he is most productive and contributes his / her best for improved governance and efficient public services. Overall, the Government is committed to right placement of the staff to improve efficiency and accountability in administration.


 2.         Accordingly, in supersession of the orders issued in the references 9th  & 10tread above, the Government hereby issue the following guidelines for transfer of employees for the year 2022.

  3.         The existing ban on transfer of employees imposed vide the references 9th  & 10th read above is relaxed for the period from 8th June  to 17th June  to ensure right placement of  employees  t secure  optimum  productivity  and  commitment  to  furtherance  of Governments development objectives.

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