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APDEECET 2022 నోటిఫికేషన్ విడుదల

ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ లో ఉన్న డైట్ కాలేజీ లలో డిఎడ్ కోర్సు లో ప్రవేశానికి ఎంట్రన్స్ ఎక్సామ్ నోటిఫికేషన్ విడుదల అయ్యింది

Course: D.EI.Ed

Online APPLY : 02-06-2022 to 19-6-2022 (Fee Payment)

Date of Entrance: 28-06-2022 & 29-05-2022
Exam Details -Exam Pattern - Online Application explained below:

Online  application for  DEECET-2022 are  invited  from  candidates who  intend to take admission into Two years  Diploma in Elementary Education  (D.EI.Ed)  in Government District  Institutes of Education  and  Training  (D.I.E.Ts)  and  other  Private  Elementary Teacher   Training in  the  state  to  be conducted   by  Department of School  Education, Govt.  of A.P.  on 28-06-2022  and 29-06-2022  in  all 13 erstwhile  District Head quarters of the state  of Andhra  Pradesh.  In DEECET  -2022 English  medium  seats  are  also available  in certain  Govt.  DIETs  and_  Private  D.EI.Ed.,  Colleges  to an extent  of 3000_approximately and_the_number of seats may vary at_the  time_of web options For eligibility please see the information bulletin.

.    Date and Time of DEECET-2022:  DEECET-2022 will  be conducted on 28-06-2022 and  29-06-2022     in  all  13  erstwhile   District   Head  quarters   of the  state  of Andhra Pradesh.  The Test will  be conducted  through  online in spells.

.   Fee  and  submission  of Application  Online:  The  fee  prescribed   for  appearing  for DEECET-2022  (including examination  fee)  is  Rs.600/-   (Rupees   Six  hundred   only). Candidate can  pay the fee through  payment  Gateway  from  01-06-2022  to  19-06-2022 and  submit  online  application  at  the  DEECET-2022  website:  https:i/ & from 01-06-2022 onwards.

.Procedure  for  submission  of application  online:   Detailed   procedure  for  applying

ONLINE    is   given    in   the   information   Bulletin.   Candidates   can   download   the Information  Bulletin"  free  of cost  from  the  DEECET-2022  website: & https://apdeecet.apcfss,in from 02-06-2022 onwards

Examination centres  for DEECET - 2022:  DEECET-2022 shall  be conducted in  all the 

erstwhile  13  Districts of the  Andhra   Pradesh state.  Candidate  can choose   any District  of his/her choice  for online  examination centre.  If the slot for  Examination is exhausted  (capacity) in the opted district,  nearby district  centre  will be allotted.

Tentative Schedule



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