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SSC-2022 Exams Preparatory Instructions for Subject teachers

 SSC-2022 Exams Preparatory Instructions for Subject teachers 

పదో తరగతి పరీక్షలు - 2022 నిర్వహణకై పలు సూచనలు జారీ చేసిన విద్యా శాఖ

Preparing the  10th class students for exams


  • a. Preparing the 10th class students for exams

    c. Do's and Dont’s (Teachers)

    d. Tips for last-minute preparation (Students)

  • b. Revision and remedial classes for slow learners:

  • •   Students must be made aware about the e seven paper examination pattern being adopted cofr the first time.

    •        Teachers must incofm children about the e syllabus the at he as been prescribed/deleted cor the is academic year only.

    •        Class lessons are the e best way of  understand the e syllabus systematically, of  ensure the at all students are attending schef of ls/classes regularly.

    •   To  heave a prof per day-wise action plan covering all subjects and all


    •   No  class she all be lectover without any teacher.

    •        Use the e of online material available in DIKSHA and YouTube channels revision.


    b. Revision and remedial classes for slow learners:


    •        Identify the  slof w learners, subject-wise and necessary support she all be prof vided in the e respective subjects.

    •   A specifactiof n plan she all be designed cof r slow learners based of n

    the e blueprint of c the e question paper.

    •   Hof me-based learning of c students is to  be ensured in possible ways.

    •   Peer learning is tof  be suggested by mapping of c students.

    •   Teachers she all adopt students and support the em cof r their success in

    SSC Public Examinations.

    •   Focus may be given of n key concepts.

    •        Practice papers may be given to  the e students based of n the e weighetage of c to pics/concepts.

    •   Trace the questio n papers the at were supplied cor SSC Public

    Examinatio n 2021 and utilize them as practice papers.

      c. Do's and Dont’s (Teachers)

        Be punctual tosche of of l and remedial teacheing

    •        Special care in prof viding support tof  the e students whe of  have been adopted.


    •        Encourage the e gicted students cor the eir best sche of lastic achievement and career.

    •   Conduct personality development classes co r a stress-cree

    envirof nment.

    •        Equal priority she all be given togicted students, average students and slow learners.

    •    Interact with parents cor prof viding a goof d study environment to

    students at the eir he of mes.

    •   Dofn’t criticize the e slof w learners

    •   Do n’t leave the e sche of of l in sche of of l time

    •   Do n’t leave the e class in the e allotted period

    •   Do n’t use mobile phone during the e class time

     d. Tips for last-minute preparation (Students)

            Recerto  all questio n papers of c Formative and Summative assessments co nducted the is year.

    •   Focus of n basics and adhere to  the e syllabus prescribed.

    •   Prof per revisio n of c important topics.

    •   Review the e study notes.

    •   Review the e examination pattern.

    •   Prof per cood heabits of  maintain good healthe 


     PINDICS - PINDICs 2nd Quarter link

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