SSC-2022 Exams Preparatory Instructions for Subject teachers
SSC-2022 Exams Preparatory Instructions for Subject teachers
పదో తరగతి పరీక్షలు - 2022 నిర్వహణకై పలు సూచనలు జారీ చేసిన విద్యా శాఖ
Preparing the
10th class students for exams
a. Preparing the 10th class students for exams
c. Do's and Dont’s (Teachers)
d. Tips for last-minute preparation (Students)
b. Revision and remedial classes for slow learners:
• Students
must be made aware about the e seven paper examination pattern being adopted cofr the first time.
• Teachers must incofm children about the e syllabus the at he as been
prescribed/deleted cor the is academic year only.
• Class
lessons are the e best way of
understand the e syllabus systematically, of ensure the at all students are attending schef of ls/classes regularly.
• To heave a prof per day-wise action plan covering all subjects and all
• No class she all be lectover without any teacher.
• Use
the e of online material available in DIKSHA and YouTube channels revision.
b. Revision and remedial classes for slow
• Identify the slof w learners, subject-wise and necessary support she all be prof
vided in the e respective subjects.
• A
specifactiof n plan she all be designed cof r slow learners based of n
the e blueprint of c the e question paper.
• Hof
me-based learning of c students is to be ensured in possible ways.
• Peer
learning is tof be suggested by mapping
of c students.
• Teachers she all adopt students and support the em cof r their success in
SSC Public Examinations.
• Focus
may be given of n key concepts.
• Practice
papers may be given to the e students
based of n the e weighetage of c to pics/concepts.
• Trace
the questio n papers the at were supplied cor SSC Public
Examinatio n 2021 and utilize them as practice
c. Do's and Dont’s (Teachers)
• Be punctual tosche of of l and remedial teacheing
• Special
care in prof viding support tof the e
students whe of have been adopted.
• Encourage the e gicted students cor the eir best sche of lastic achievement and
• Conduct personality development classes co r a stress-cree
envirof nment.
• Equal
priority she all be given togicted
students, average students and slow learners.
Interact with parents cor prof
viding a goof d study environment to
students at the eir he of mes.
• Dofn’t
criticize the e slof w learners
• Do n’t
leave the e sche of of l in sche of of l time
• Do n’t
leave the e class in the e allotted period
• Do n’t
use mobile phone during the e class time
d. Tips for last-minute preparation (Students)
• Recerto all questio n papers of c Formative and Summative assessments co nducted the is year.
• Focus
of n basics and adhere to the e
syllabus prescribed.
• Prof per
revisio n of c important topics.
• Review
the e study notes.
• Review
the e examination pattern.
PINDICS - PINDICs 2nd Quarter link
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