Mana Badi Nadu Nedu-Ceiling for the materials and Labour Charges for Phase - II
Mana Badi Nadu Nedu-Ceiling for the materials and Labour Charges for Phase - II
In the 1° Phase of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu, it is learnt that the labourers and vendors have insisted to pay higher rates than local market price, citing reasons that it is Government work.In some places labor and vendors have formed as a pressure group and have demanded exorbitant rates.
In the community contract system it is expected that the Parent Committee members, HM, Local Engineer shall negotiate and bargain for less rates compared to market rates as it is a public work which is beneficial to students of the Village/Ward.
In this context, attention of all the District Educational Officers, Additional Project Coordinators and Executive Engineers of all the implementing agencies of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase II, program in this State is invited to the references cited above and they are requested to follow the Suggested normal Market rates of Material and Labor Charges for Phase-II works which are to be executed by the Parents Committee through Community Contract system,so as to not give any scope for misuse of funds by Paying higher rates. In case of interior pockets, hilly terrains, the maximum permissible market rates may be adopted.
The parent committees shall explore market rates and negotiate even below normal rates. In any case permissible maximum rates cannot be exceeded. Hence, it is requested to adopt the suggested normal market rates of material and Labour charges as shown in the Annexure-I (for Material Rates) and Annexure-11 (for Labour Rates) enclosed.
If the Market Rates of Material and Labour Charges of a given Mandal are beyond Suggested Maximum Market rates given in Annexure I and II,then they shall be approved by District level tender committee headed by the Joint Collector constituted as per GO MS No 27 date 30.03.2021.
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