Absorption of the aided staff reported to the Government - Willing Private Aided Schools – Instructions
School Education Department – Absorption of the aided staff reported to the Government as per the policy, for takeover of Willing Private Aided Schools – Certain instructions
In continuation to the instructions issued by this office, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Education Officers in the state are informed that the following criteria may be followed with regard to the absorption/allotment of Headmasters/Teachers/Non-teaching of Aided Schools (who are willingly handed over to the Government into the Govt.,/ZPP/MPP Municipal managements.
1. Headmasters of Aided High
a. In the first instance,
they may be posted in the existing sanctioned and vacant Headmaster posts in
the Aided High Schools which are surrendered along with assets.
b. In the second instance,
they may be allotted/absorbed in the Govt./ZP/Municipal managements in the
available sanctioned and vacant posts including left over vacancies except where
court cases exists.
2. School Assistants :
a. In the first instance,
they may be absorbed/posted in the existing sanctioned and vacant School
Assistant posts in the Aided High Schools which are surrendered along with
assets as per need i.e., basing on the Teacher, pupil ration (keeping in view
of NEP)
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