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Wednesday, 19 January 2022
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Public Services - Revision of Pay Scales, 2022 - Procedural Instructions for fixation of pay of employees in the Revised Pay Scales, 2022 - Instructions -Issued.
Finance (PC-TA) Department dated: 17-01-2022. 2. G.O.Ms.No.8, Finance (PC-TA)
Department dated: 17-01-2022.
the Government Order first read above, orders were issued revising the pay
scales of the employees with the following instructions on
foxation and implementation of revised pay scales. Banc pay shall be fixed in
the Revised Pay Scales, 2022 duly merging the existing basic pay with the DA as
on 1-7-2018 (20:292%) along with a fitment benefit of 23%. The existing Basic
Pay in RPS 2015 shall be multipled with a factor of 1.51392 to arrive the new
pay in RPS 2022. If the pay so arved doesn't exactly match the pay slabs in the
new scales, the nearest next higher slab shall be adopted for foxation of new
pay in the RPS 2022.
For the employees drawing stagnation increments in the RPS 2015, the revised
pay in the RPS 2022 shall be fixed by merging the bac pay and stagnation
increments in RPS 2015 and following the procedure mentioned in Para (1) above.
In case, the revsed pay exceeds maximum Pay of RPS 2022, stagnation increments
of the RPS 2022 shall be added upto a maximum of 5 stagnation increments to
accommodate proper faxation in the new scales.
Orders were also issued for implementation of modified HRA rates and dispensing
with City Compensatory Allowance (CCA) www.apteachers in
The Revised Pay Scales will be implemented notionally from 01-07-2018 with
monetary benefit from 01-04-2020
salary in the Revised Pay Scales, 2022 will be paid from the month of January,
2022 payable in February, 2022
Further in the Government Order 2nd read above, orders were issued for
implementing all the five pending Deamess Allowances from January
2022 salary payable in February 2022 onwards in the Revised Pay Scales, 2022.
the above orders are available on the AP Gazette Portal To
facilitate the Pay Fixation in the Revised Pay Scales, 2022, the APCFSS has
developed a new module for HROMS which is available at
The user manual for the entire activity is available at cfms.ap
goin. All the DDOS and Treasury Officers/PAOs are required fumsh the requate
details in the formats prescribed in the new software module
For purpose of the faation of pax, the following Instructions are und to the
Departments of Secretarut/Heads of Department Head
Offices/Drawing and Disbursing Officers/Treasury Officers/PAD, duly utlong the
pay faution software developed by the APCFSS (The new software module
automatically displays the lot of employees under nach Doo CA
drop-down window exhibits the list of eeting Pay Scales and stabs in the RP
DOO shall select the correct pay scale & Bauc Pay of the concerned
employee, who are drawing the salines in EPS, 2015, reference to his/her life
cycle events strictly as per the Service Records for the penod from 01-07-2018
to 31 12 2021 n the exoting RPS with 2015
Pay scales
After completion of the above data entry, the DOO
shall confirm the data entered with his credentials by affong e-signature and
submit to the Treasury Office/PAO (v)The Treasury
Officer/PAO shall verty with reference to the Service Record, the Basic Fay
data submitted by the DOO from 01-07-2018 to 31-12-2021.
(v) The Treasury Officer/PAO can edit / modify the
data before confirmation as per the Service Record of the Government servant
concerned. (v) On confirmation
of the data by the Treasury Officer/PAO, the pay
foabon will be processed by the System (vi) The Pay Focation Sip is
autogenerated by the system with details of revsed pay entitled to the employee
in the RPS 2022 from 1-7- 2018 to 1-1-2022 corresponding to the pay change
details of RPS 2015 confirmed by Treasury Officer/PAO.
(x) The system generated Pay Fixation slps will be
made available in the DDO login and Treasury Officer/PAO login at
https://payroll herb.apds.n.
(x) The Revised Puy as on 1-1-2022 reflected in
the system generated Pay Fixation Sip shall be utilised by the DOO for
generating the pay bill for the month of January 2022.
(x) After processing the salary bills for the
month of January 2022, the DOOS and Treasury Officer/PAO shall verify the
system generated Pay Fation Slips & after satsfying themselves about the
correctness affix the same in the Service Regster of the concerned employee
duly attested.
(x) In case any discrepancy is detected in the
system generated Pay Faation Sips, the same shall be brought to the name of
Treasury officer/TAO who in turn, after
verification, refer it to the Finance (PC-TA) Department along with a detailed
hote on the decrepancy and the proposed new pay duy quoting
the relevant rules
(xi) After verification of the details submitted
by the DTA/TAO, Finance (PC-TA) Department shat confirm the system generated
reved par (or) revise the pay as suggested by the DTA/PAO.
(w) The process of verification the Par Foution
Slps in RPS 20122 & affation in the Service Regsters of employees shall be
completed latest by 31st March 2022 and confirmed by the DDO
and the Treasury Officer/40 by affoong ther digital signatures in the Pay
Faution module & With reference to Para 10 in Government
Orders 1st cted, the correctness of data put is the responsibility of the D00/
Tury Officer/PAD. Hence, for any in-correct information
in the rout of Basic Pux, the DOO/Treasury Officer/PAO shall be solely
7. The exting orders on special pay and ether
allowances shall hold good, til further orders For daming the DA & PRC anears, a spurate
module will be developed by ACSS and will be made available along with
intructione for operation of the same in due course
A the Head of Departments are requested to a
necessary instructions to the Departmental Officers under the control to follow
the above tract schipulously
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