teacherbook -
Friday, 21 January 2022
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జనవరి - 2022 నెల గ్రామ వార్డ్ సచివాలయ ఉద్యోగుల జీతాలకు సంబందించిన సర్కులర్
*GVWV Department – Instructions released for Payment of salaries linked with Bio Metric attendance to the Village / Ward Secretariat functionaries for the period 01-01-2022 to 31-01-2022*
& VSWS Department - Payment of salaries linked with Bio Metric attendance
to the Village/Ward Secretariat functionaries for the period 01-01-2022 to
31-01-2022-certain instructions issued- Regarding
Circular No 55/2020 of Director, GVWV &VSWS Department, dated 24-08-2020
G.O.MS.No. 1 Dated: 04-02-2021 of GVWV & VSWS Department
Circular No: 40/D/2021 of Director, GVWV&VSWS Department, Dt: 28/06/2021
Memo No:151 /D/2021/e-1352867, Dated:24/10/2021 of Director, GVWV &VSWS
Department The Government has implemented the biometric attendance linked
salaries to the Village/ Ward Secretariat functionaries and accordingly certain
instructions were issued from time to time vide references said above.
the Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOS) of the Village/ Ward Secretariat
functionaries are requested to follow the below instructions for the payment of
salaries linked with Bio Metric attendance for the period 01-01-2022 to
31-01-2022 to be paid on 1st February 2022.
The Bio Metric attendance period cycle for the January 2022 is from 23-12-2021
to 22-01-2022 (the attendance period cycle mentioned is only for purpose of
determining the attendance of the employee. Based on attendance days in above
cycle, the salary needs to paid proportionately for the
month of January 2022 from 01-01-2022 to 31-01-20221
Deduct the salary for the un authorized absent days in the attendance cycle
period Le from 23-12-2021 to 22-01-2022. (Absent days Total days in attendance
calendar-(present days holidays. leaves attendance authorized &
Regularized)) 3. HRMS application and logins were provided to all the
Village/Ward Secretariat functionaries to apply for CL optional Holiday,
Medical & Maternity Leave and for regularizing the apply for cc optional Hory car&iconeguag
of Trainings, Bio Metric fures, Meetings, On duty etc
Attendance dashboard is provided in the GWS webote checking the day we
All the D00s are requested to pay the sales to all the village/ward Secretariat
function are including old Panchayat secretaries oid VTO, old Munipal Employnes
based on the tentang reports available in above report (Mentioned in point fo
the leaves and amendance authorised shown in above distant amendance/root
At present CL Optional holiday, Medical leave and Matemiy invenabled in
applicat Culate other leaves manually and consider them as present while paying
the sor All the Drawing and Disbursing Officers 1000 of the villager Wand Sene structed
to ensure the above guidelines accordingly while loading a to
the the anury Any devitions from the above guidelines shall be
the joint collectors (WS&D&Destrict treasury Officers are requered mont
of january 2012 pad on 1st February 20122
SSC Public Examinations April/May-2022 - HM Instructions
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