Implementation of Audio & Video teaching aids and other activities in Municipal Schools - instructions
Implementation of Audio & Video teaching aids and other activities in Municipal Schools - instructions
MA Dept. - Education -- Municipal Schools - Improvement of standards in Municipal Schools - Implementation of Audio & Video teaching aids and other activities in Municipal Schools - Certain instructions issued
The attention of all the Commissioners of ULBs, where Municipal Schools existing, in the State is invited to the references cited and it is to inform that, to improve educational standards and quality of education in Municipal Schools, 200 Nos. of Virtual Class Rooms to the Municipal High Schools and 4000 Nos. of Projectors to the Primary & Upper Primary Municipal Schools were suppled. As per the information received from the ULBs, the supplied Virtual Class Rooms and Projectors are not in use due to various reasons.
2. Further, it is to inform that, the under signed a convened a review meeting with State Education Cell in connection with enhancing Academic Standards in the Municipal Schools. After review meeting, the under signed has opined that to enhance the students thought process, at school level, Audio & Video teaching aids are playing a vital role and thus, to implement such type of Mechanisms, the HM's and Class Teachers shall utilize Projectors, Digital & virtual classrooms at school level which were supplied by the Department to all Municipal Schools.
3. Therefore, the Commissioners of ULBs, where Municipal Schools existing, in the State are requested to take the following actions for improving educational standards and quality of education in the Municipal Schools.
• Ensure all the supplied Projectors and Digital & Virtual Classrooms to the Municipal Schools are in working condition. If any, supplied equipment is in not working condition, take up required repairs, immediately. Details of supplied Projectors and Digital & Virtual Classrooms to ULBs is enclosed as Annexure-I.
• Provide required infrastructure, if any, to the Municipal Schools for usage of supplied Projectors and Digital & Virtual classrooms.
Direct all the Headmasters to prepare a schedule for every week i.e., Monday and Friday for teaching class with Audio & Video aids, with available resources i.e., Flash cards, Diksha app, Learning Management System(LMS) made available in Municipal School EPR, relevant content from YouTube etc., from 1° to 10 Classes in all municipal schools. Details of relevant content apps and YouTube channel link are enclosed as Annexure -II.
• Direct the Headmasters to see proper functioning of supplied equipment and its usage.
• Direct the Headmasters to conduct school level competitions on presentation skills, academic quiz, elocutions etc., by utilizing available Audio & Video aids in coordination with the ULB Education Cell and State Education Cell.
• Review the status on implementation of above activities with the ULB Education Cell, Headmasters and School Supervisors on teaching class with Audio & Video aids as per schedule, on regular basis as per the roles & responsibilities fixed to them. The roles & responsibilities of Headmasters, School Supervisors and Class Teachers is enclosed as Annexure-III.
4. All the RDMAs in the State are requested to guide the Commissioner of ULBs and ensure the above instructions are compiled by the Commissioners. The RDMAs are also requested to review the above subject during their visits to ULBs without fail and furnish status report in the matter, without fail.
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