APPOLYCET - WEBCOUNSELING - Online Payment of Registration Fee for Web Counseling

Department of Technical Education
APPOLYCET - Online Payment of Registration Fee for Web Counseling
- Processing Fee to be Paid:
- Processing Fee: Rs.900/- (OC/BC), Rs.500/-(SC/ST)
- Processing fee can be paid by the candidate using credit card or debit card or through net banking from 01.10.2021 only.
- Enter APPOLYCET Hall Ticket number and rank and click on pay fee online.
- The candidate will be directed to payment gateway.
- Select any one mode of payment i.e credit card or debit card or net banking and enter credentials.
- Ongce the payment is success click on print button and take a print out and produce at the time of verification of certificates.
- Check your Payment status using “online payment status” . If payment is not successful kindly make payment again.
- In the event of transaction failure amount will be credited back into your account after two working days.
- Contact nearest Help Line Centre for any other clarifications.
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