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Conduct the enrollment Drive for OoSC from 12.07.2021 to 15.07.2021


AP Samagra Shiksha – OoSC Activities – Conductthe enrollment Drive    forOoSC from  12.07.2021 to 15.07.2021 -the Child wise informationoftheidentifedoutofscho lchildrenandSTCsrequired beuploadedatblocklevelunderthesupervisionofBlockResource Co rdinator ofthe     concerned  Block  resource Centre (BRC)in PrabandhPortal–Instructions–Isued–Reg.,


 TheatentionofalltheDistrictEducationalOfficers& Ex-OfficioProject Co rdinatorsandAd itionalProjectCo rdinatorsofSamagraShikshainthe Stateis  invited  to  the  references  read  above  that this  office  isued instructionstoupload theidentified outofscho lchildren and Special Training Centers (STCs)atblock levelunder the supervision ofBlock ResourceCo rdinatoroftheconcernedBlockResourceCentre(BRC)onthe PRABANDH Portal(htp://


In this connection,it is necesary to enroll the identifed Outof School children  in  age  ap ropriate  clases  in  Regular Schools  /  KGBVs  / Residential SchoOls/URHs/URSsinthe State and upload the same details in the Prabandh Portal. The detailsofidentifedOutofScho lChildrenare asfollows:


Therefore,all the District Educational Officers &  Ex-Officio Project Coordinators and Aditional Project Coordinators of SamagrShiksh inthe State are requested to isue instructions to the Mandal Educational Officers and to enroll theidentifed Out ofScho lChildren in age appropriate clases in RegularSchools/KGBVs/Residential Schools/URHs/URSsetc.,in theStatethrough theVillageEducation WelfareAsistants,CRPs(Cluster ResourcePersons),IERPs(InclusiveEducationResourcePersons),PTIs(Part TimeInstructors). Thee nrollmentdriveisscheduled from  12.07.2021  to 15.07.2021.After completion of the enrolment Drive,the admission details (UDISE  Code, School Name, Admision  Number)are to  be


Hence,theDistrictEducationalOfficers,Ad itionalProjectCo rdinators ofSS,Deputy EducationalOfficers,Deputy Inspectors ofScho ls (Urdu), MandalEducationalOfficers,ALSCOs,AASLCOs,MISCo rdinators,GCDO, Ast.,GCDO,IE Co rdinators,Ast.IE Co rdinators,CMO,Ast.CMO, AAMO (U)intheStatemustmonitorasperthegivenschedule.


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