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Cancellation of Examinations due to COVID-19 in the state - Constitution of High Power Committee to evolve the procedure for declaration of results of SSC Public Examinations 2021


SSC  Pubic Examinations,  2021  -  Cancellation  of Examinations  due  to COVID-19 in the state - Constitution of High Power Committee to evolve the procedure  for declaration  of results  of SSC  Public  Examinations  2021  - Orders   - Issued - Reg.

The Government of Andhra Pradesh  has ordered for the cancellation  of the SSC  Public Examinations June 2021 due to COVID-19 pandemic in the state and has   ordered  for  the  Constitution  of  High  Power committee  to   evolve  the basis/procedure for the declaration of the results.


2.      As directed by Government, the following committee is hereby constituted with a  Chairperson and members. The details of the Committee are as follows:


Roles and Responsibilities of the  Committee:

3.     Following are the Rules and Responsibilities of the committee:

a. To evolve a fair and unbiased procedure for declaration of results.


2. The committee may  convene online meetings  for discussions  and record their consent through online.

3. Committee can justify its roles and  responsibilities when the members are well acquainted  with the committee with the policy. They should also have discussions among themselves to  arrive at a common understanding.

4. Once a committee is well acquainted with the committee, they  will take stock  of the  ground  reality  in  the school and  frame   the  rationale  for assessment. Therefore, to fnalize the plan  for the completion of the task.

5. The  committee  can  make  its  own   schedule  based  on  the  timespan provided by DSE, A.P.

6. In case required, opinion of other subject teachers may also be obtained by the committee.

7. All  proceedings   shall   be  recorded  in  a rationale  document  by  the committee.

8. The committee shall keep all the proceedings confdential.

9. The convener  of the  committee  will provide necessary  information and assistance   to    the  committee  and   make  arrangements   for   correct uploading of the data.

The  roles and responsibilities of the  Chairperson of the  committee:

 1. Chairperson  of the committee will discuss in detail about the modality to assess and take a decision in a fair and equitable manner.

2. May  co-opt one or  two-members in the committee to  deliver fair  and justify the result.

3. Will ensure that work  is completed within schedule and therefore prepare their own  schedule and communicate to  all committee members  to  abide by it.

4. Fix the meeting of the committee members.

5. Recording of all events and decision in the Rationale document.

6. Providing records to the committee through the Convener/IT Personnel.

7. Provide a certifcate  at the end of the Rationale document that a fair  and just result has been prepared without any bias or favour to any student.

8. Any other requirement to fulfl the responsibility of the committee.

9. To furnish the fnal modalities to the DSE, AP within 10 working days



DAY 11 -TRAINING ON CBSE PATTERN– Teaching Techniques in Classroom teaching (EVS) - LIVE LINK


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