SSC Public Examinations, June 2021 • Constitution of Examination Centres
1. All the ACGEs in the O/o DEOs and Dy.EOs in the State should visit and recommend such schools only as Examination Centres that would fully satisfy the conditions that they possess the required infrastructure, i.e., good accommodation, furniture, drinking water facilities, compound wall, proper lighting, CCTV Cameras etc. The Heads of such schools, Junior Colleges should be informed about the constitution of SSC Centres at their schools only "One Week" before the commencement of examinations, subject to the approval of the same by the Director of Government Examinations, A.P., Vijayawada.
2. The following are the other required conditions for the constitution of new centres under 'A' and 'B' Category only. New centres may be constituted if those schools which are proposed as centres fulfil the conditions listed below and if need arises due to increase in number of candidates or due to any other unavoidable circumstances etc.
a. The Village/Town where the centre is to be constituted shall be linked with Bus/Rail transport facility.
b. The school/college shall have atleast one Land-Line telephone facility or shall lie within the range of any of Wireless Telecom Service Provider.
c. Police Station/Sub-Treasury office shall be available in or around the Village /Town.
d. The School/ college shall not have been black-listed for the
constitution of an examination centre earlier.
3. The number of students in a single examination hall should not be more than "16 to ensure adequate physical distancing in view of the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic and the School/ college shall accommodate a minimum number of 100 candidates, and a maximum number of 250 candidates.
4. Constitute more number of schools under the Government
Management as Examination centres.
5. While clubbing the Schools in an Examination Zone, utmost care should be taken to see that the distance from each school to the centre is between 5 to 10 Kilometres and is free from all natural barriers.
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