Pensions - Extension of time limit for obtaining of Annual Verification (Life) Certificates upto 15.04.2021
Pensions- Extension of time limit for obtaining of Annual Verification (Life) Certificates upto 15.04.2021- Instructions- Issued- Reg. Ref: 1.Representation of State Govt., Pensioners Association, AP, Amaravathi,
Attention of all the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in
state and ATO, AP
CRT, Ibrahimpatnam is invited to the references cited. They are informed that, by considering the
reasons stated by the Pensioners' Association in the reference
1st cited, Government have extended
the time
for obtaining
Verification (Life)
Certificates up to 15.04.2021,
vide reference 2nd cited.
They are therefore requested to instruct all the STOs under their control to follow the above instructions scrupulously without any deviation.They are also requested to obtain the transactions details in respect of these pensioners(who have not submitted L.Cs till date) from the concerned banks and their mode of drawl at once for submission of a report to the Govt, as desired in the reference 2nd cited. The report should reach to the DTA office by 31.03.2021.
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