APREI Society (R), Guntur – Submission of bills for the Financial Year - Instructions
APREI Society (R), Guntur – Submission of bills for the Financial Year 2020-21 by the
Principals of APRE Institutions in the month of March, 2021 – Instructions – Issued.
All the Principals of APRE Institutions are here by requested to adhere to the following guidelines for submission of bills for the Financial Year 2020-21.
All the Supplementary and other bills in respect of regular, contract and Adhoc employees of the institution should reach this office sharply by 10-03-2021.
On line Regular pay bill scanned copy should be submitted to this office through the e-mail ID apreispaybill@gmail.com on or before 10.3.2021 and no need to submit the hard copy i.e., manual copy of pay bill to this office.
All the contingent bills should reach this office by 05-03-2021 positively. Bills received after the above dates will not be entertained under any circumstances.
The Principals are personally held responsible for delay in submission.
The Principals are hereby instructed to submit the bills immediately pertaining to the purchases already made within the budget limits and bills kept pending with them and no purchases shall be made beyond the budget limits due to paucity of funds.
Further, the Principals are hereby informed that, the pending bills which were returned by this office with certain objections should be submitted to this office immediately after rectification of the objections. Strict financial discipline should be maintained and economy to be observed in making purchases and incurring expenditure due to shortage of funds. No person shall be deputed to the Society’s office for submission of bills.
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