Organizing Fit India Campaign-December, 2020 - INSTRUCTIONS
SCERT-A.P-Organizing Fit India Campaign-December, 2020- To promote fitness across the country-Encourage all schools-Participate in the programme-Appointed Nodal
Officer Mr. M.N. Prakash, Faculty of SCERT, Amaravthi- Reg.
Ref: 1.D.O. No. K.-15017/8/2020-MDSD(Pt) Dated: 02-11-2020 of the Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Department of Sports.
2. Mail Copy received from the Special Chief Secretary, YAT & C (S&YS) Department, Dt: 17-11-2020.
3.Lr. No. SAAP/ Fit India/2020 Dated. 24-11-2020.
All the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational Officers in the state are hereby informed that the Government of India with Department of Sports Ministry of Youth Affairs( MYAS) has planned a series of activities and campaign in December 2020 under aegis Fit India Movement to Promote fitness across the country.
The Fit India Campaign –December 2020 plan includes Fit India Thematic Campaign, Fitness Assessment through Fit India School Week, Fit India Quiz, Fit India Prabhat Pheri and Fit India Cyclothon with an aim to reach masses across the country. Events and activities in which different managements in the state may be asked to organize and encourage students to inculcate physical activity and sports in their everyday lives and daily routine.
The guidelines of the Fit India School Week-2020 are mentioned and the schools to ensure that all students, parents, staff and managements shall actively participate in the Fit India School Week 2020 programme. Schools may create a new page on their website titled “Fit India School Week 2020” and a brief about the activities undertaken and related pictures/videos can be uploaded on it and all should register themselves on http:// –week and upload photos and videos link related to the event. All registered schools may download a Digital Certificate (INSERT LINK) which can be download from Fit India Portal after successful conduct of the Fit India School Week -2020. Schools are also encouraged to share/post activities conducted on their social media channels with #NewIndiaFitIndia and tag@FitIndiaOff.
In this regard, Mr. M.N. Prakash, Faculty, SCERT, Amaravathi has been nominated as a Nodal Officer to organize campaign in all the schools of the state and supervise the campaign to make the event a grand success. If any queries related to the programme, please contact the above Nodal Officer on Mob. No.9494467058.
Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational Officers in the state are hereby requested to issue necessary instructions to all the Dy. Educational officers, Headmasters and M.E.Os under their jurisdiction to ensure maximum participation of all schools in the programme.
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