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Mana Badi Nadu Nedu – certain instructions on closure of works, adjustment of materials, procurement of materials

 Mana Badi Nadu Nedu – certain instructions on closure of works, adjustment of materials, procurement of materials etc – regarding 

The target for completion of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu given by the Govt is 31st January 2020. And most of the civil works are at the verge of completion. Certain central procurement materials are completed except in few schools. In this context following guidelines are issued. 

2. Further no new tasks/works should be started like beautification works, walkways, etc. All the tasks and works taken up should be completed immediately. 

3. Except NABARD works, cement may be procured locally from Revolving fund as small quantities cannot be supplied by cement companies. In case of NABARD schools where the quantities are bigger than 500 bags. The same may be procured from companies. 

4. There are hundreds of cement invoices pending with HM s, Mandal engineers. We need to upload all of them. Majority of them are about multi schools invoices. At mandal level MEO or Mandal engineer shall sit with HM s and sort out the issues in uploading the invoices. The problems if any may be brought to the notice of the Advisor and TCS through APCs or DEO s or SEs or EEs. Report 4.11 is now available for this purpose to closely monitor. 

5. In the same way, sand may be procured locally if small quantities are required to finish civil works immediately. 

6. Electrical works and Major & Minor repair works may be closed in STMS at an earliest after completion of all the tasks. All the parent committees are requested to close the expenditure for labour and material for these works 

7. Wherever fans are not fixed by the supplier, the parents committee may fix it by engaging their own electrician to avoid delay. Wherever fans are not supplied by the supplier the parent committees may be purchased from local market. Only brands like Crompton, Havells, Usha, orient, bajaj should be bought. Further M/S Crompton company will not supply the fans as they have completed their agreement quantities. 


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