HR Data Collection - Steps to be taken by DDs and DDOs in expeditious completion of the HR Data - Instructions
HR Data Collection - Steps to be taken by DDs and DDOs in expeditious completion of the HR Data - New Services enabled to DDs and DDOs - Reg.
Ref: Email received from Abdulla P (CFMS- HR data consultant)
dated 09-12-2020.
All the Deputy Directors are informed that the APCFSS authorities have provided the below mentioned services to Deputy Directors and Drawing and Disbursing Officers as part of decentralizing the incident resolution process and also ensuring expeditious HR data upload.
1) Reset Password option provided to DD's.
2) Reopen proforma option provided to DDO's for edit the confirmed data as per the many requests.
It is further informed that, as of now, no request for change in the cadre strength will be entertained till the completion of HR data confirmation. Once HR Data is confirmed with reference to existing SLO cadre strength, the following procedure will be followed for updating the changes in the cadre strength
1.DDOs communicate the cadre strength changes to their respective DD.
2.DD shall verify and if found genuine, communicate the changes to the concerned district level head of the administrative unit/department.
3.District level head of the department shall verify and if found genuine, communicate the changes to their HoD.
4.HOD shall verify and if found genuine, intimate the same to the DTA with a formal request for the said change.
5.Based on the request from HoD and due-diligence, this office will address
APCFSS for updation of changes in the CFMS.
If there is any difficulty in approaching or completing the task, they are requested to bring them to the notice of Directorate Officials for timely intervention in the resolution of technical issues by the CFMS team.
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