"We Love Reading" guidelines

AP Samagra Siksha-Quality Education -Reading Literacy Campaign in the name of "We Love Reading" -Launching on 26th November-lssue of detailed implementation guidelines - Reg.
1. Minutes of the meeting with Principal Secretary, Director of School Education and State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha,dated 13th October.
2. G.O.Rt,No.220 of Government of Andhra Pradesh, dated 1,2-1,1,-2020,
3. G0 NO. 229 dated 23.11,.2020 regarding postponement of reopening of certain classes in schools.
ne of the main aims of Education is holistic development of a student's personality. Schools are providing learning opportunities to students to improve their learning skills, Reading is one of the major skill in the education system, In addition, reading can be a fun and imaginative time for children, which opens doors to all kinds of new worlds for them. Reading skills have a profound influence on the development of their cognitive skills.
Reading helps students to develop better critical and analytical skills and cultivates confidence and creativity among students. Government felt that the ability to read with comprehension is a necessary foundation and an indispensable prerequisite for bright future. The habit of reading can best be inculcated and nurtured at the early stage of a student's life and there is dire necessity to have a time bound action plan. In this gigantic task, all the stakeholders including parents, community and civil society organizations should actively be involved. HM's and teachers should play a key role in the entire programme,

In this context Government have decided to implement special campaign named "We Love Reading"(Chadavadam Maakishtam) to promote Foundational Reading Literacy skills among students of class 3 to class 9. In this regard GO RT no.220 was issued, In this mission mode campaign all children are provided with different avenues at school, home & village to read in a joyful environment, Teachers, parents, youth, retired persons, academicians, NGOs etc. will have to take lead role to run the campaign.

The " We Love Reading "Campaign will be implemented in four stages.
1. Preparatory Stage - November 2020, December2020,lanauary 2021
2. Foundational Stage - February 2O21, March 2O21, April 2021.
3. Advanced Stage - May 2O2l, June 2021,luly 2O2L.
4. Valedictory Stage - August 202L, September 2021, October 2021, November 2021.
1. Preparatory Stage: This is the initial stage for the one year of "We Love Reading" Campaign. Creating awareness on importance of reading to all levels of the society i.e. students, teachers, parents and administrators. Conducting baseline assessment and division of students into 4 levels based on their reading ability. Arranging classroom library/ reading corner in all classrooms with the books available in the school library. Organizing rallies for collection of books for Book Bank and to bring awareness on reading. Identification of Community reading centres and community reading volunteers to run the campaign during holidays and after school hours, Conduct every day one period exclusively for library book reading. Monthly assessment, month specific programmes [Reading Mela, Reading Fests, Reading Buzz) are to be conducted in the last week of January 202L. All the preparatory activities are to be completed from November 2020 to January 2021.
2.Foundational Stage- This is the crucial stage in promoting reading habit, reading ability among students. Exclusive reading periods are to be allotted for Library Book Reading, So one period has to be continued exclusively for library book reading. Students have to read Telugu and English books on alternate days. Mass reading, classroom reading, public reading activities will be conducted at school/ Community reading center/village followed by reading competitions to the students for assessing their performance. Headmaster and teachers have to find out and tag community reading volunteer for the smooth functioning of community reading center. Monthly assessment, month specific programmes [Reading Mela, Reading Fests, Reading Buzz) are to be conducted in the last week of February, March, April 2021. If the schools function for full day 2 periods are to be allotted for library book reading as mentioned in the GO RT No. 220. All the foundational stage activities are to be completed from February 2021, to April 2021. At the end of foundational stage students should be able to read story books on their own.
3, Advanced stage. This stage focus on reading and comprehending at the same time. Use of dictionary to understand the meaning of unknown words is to be inculcated. At the end of this stage, students should be able to read fluently and comprehend the meaning of it. Community reading volunteers shall play vital role in this stage.
4, Valedictory Stage- Daily 2 book reading periods are to be continued in this stage. Conduct of End line Assessment in the month of Novemb er 2021.. Headmasters and teachers are held responsible to see that all students are able to read on their own with proper comprehension. Certificates are to be issued to the up graders. The performance of the students will be assessed by l'a party. Based on the data analytics continuation of the campaign in a sustainable mode willbe designed.
Launching of the 'We Love Reading Campaign'
- Launching of 'We Love Reading' Campaign at state, district, mandal, village and
- school levels on 26th November at 9.30 am,
- On this occasion the logo, poster, pamphlet and jingle of 'We Love Reading'
- campaign will be unveiled,
- The invitees address the significance of reading habit among students and teachers
- Display of Library books.
- Mobilization of children, distribution of story books ( NBT, UNICEF, CIIL , CIEFI-) ro
- all students.
- Massive Reading of story books by all students of classes 8th and 9th.
- Story telling/reading by selected students,
- 2 photos of launching of the campaign from each school are to be uploaded in the
- given Google form.
- Announcing the schedule of the reading campaign reiterating that every student
- should read minimum of "One story book a week,,.

★ ఉయ్ లవ్ రీడింగ్" ప్రచారం నాలుగు దశల్లో అమలు చేయబడుతుంది.
★ *1. ప్రిపరేటరీ స్టేజ్ నవంబర్ 2020, డిసెంబర్ 2020, జనవరి 2021.*
★ *2. ఫౌండేషన్ స్టేజ్ - ఫిబ్రవరి 2021, మార్చి 2021, ఏప్రిల్ 2021.*
★ *3. అధునాతన దశ - మే 2021, జూన్ 2021, జూలై 2021.*
★ *4. వాలెడిక్టరీ స్టేజ్ ఆగస్టు 2021, సెప్టెంబర్ 2021, అక్టోబర్ 2021, నవంబర్ 2021.*
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