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COVID19-Mapping of Educational Institutions-Tagging to Village and Ward Secretariats-monitoring of COVID19- Orders - Issued


COVID19-Mapping of Educational Institutions-Tagging to Village and Ward Secretariats-monitoring of COVID19- Orders - Issued


The Government of Andhra Pradesh has undertaken several measures including strengthening of surveillance for prevention, containment, and control of COVID-19. After an intensive activity to control and contain Coronavirus with multiple lockdowns, and gradual unlocking, the State has reached a stage where the number of cases are declining on a day to day basis.


2.      The Government has taken a decision to open schools and colleges duly taking all the required precautions and keeping constant vigil in the spread of infection amongst  school  / college students, faculty and staff as safety of students is of utmost importance to the Government. Detailed instructions have been given on protocols to be followed in containing and controlling the spread of infection. Day to day monitoring of the spread of infection is very critical to identity the source and to contain and control it. Hence, it has been decided to map all educational intuitions to the respective mandals and to tag them to the respective Village and Ward Secretariats in whose jurisdiction these facilities are located and also to tag the students, faculty and staff to the respective village/ward secretariat where they reside with an intention to monitor COVID19 closely for effective containment and control of infection in educational institutions.

 3.      To operationalize this, implementation plan has to be prepared with micro action plans educational institution wise. Collection of data base of number of students, faculty and staff institution wise and mapping them to respective village/ward  secretariat  where  they  reside  is  very  critical  to  enable  the respective  village/ward  secretariat  and  also  the  educational  institution  to identify the source of infection and to alert the students from those village/ward secretariat to restrain from coming to school/college till infection is controlled and there by controlling further spread of infection to other students.


4.      An excel sheet with detailed fields for collecting data has been annexed to this Government Order for collection of data uniformly by all educational institutions. The respective heads of departments are responsible for collection of data from all the institutions under their control. This data mat be furnished by 30.11.2020 to Commissioner, Heath & Family Welfare by all Heads of Departments.


5.      The Joint Collector (Dev) / (V&W Sec) is responsible for collection and monitoring of data daily at District Level. The MPDO of respective mandals are responsible for collection and updating data from respective village/ward secretariat and to monitor the same on a daily basis.




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