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Students Learning Enhancement Guidelines

 Students Learning Enhancement Guidelines - Dept of Youth Affairs to issue necessary instructions to all NSS and NYKS and other volunteers associated with the Depts and support – Certain Instructions issued - Reg. 

The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State are invited to the reference cited, wherein the GoI has informed that regarding the Students Learning Enhancement Guidelines, the Department of Youth Affairs was requested to issue necessary instructions to all NSS and NYKS and other volunteers associated with that Department to provide necessary support to all the States and UTs to facilitate them to provide education in the vicinity of children's homes vide Secretary, Department of School Education and Literacy's D.O. letter of even number dated the 25th August, 2020. (Copy enclosed). That Department was also, inter-alia, requested to provide the data base of the identified volunteers with their coordinates/contact details pertaining to their region so as to enable the States and UTs to map them with their mentor teachers. In this connection, discussions were also held with all states/UTs in a meeting held through video conferencing and chaired by Secretary, DoSEL, MoE, Government of India, on 281h September, 2020. 

2. The Department of Youth Affairs have since made available the contacts details of the officers of NSS and NYKS, a copy of which is enclosed for your information and further appropriate action. 

3. Therefore, a copy the reference is herewith sent to all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to make use this services positively and report compliance to the undersigned. 


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