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Celebration of Andhra Pradesh Formation Day scheduled on 01.11.2020

 Celebration of Andhra Pradesh Formation Day scheduled on 01.11.2020

The attention of the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the references cited, wherein the Government has issued instructions to celebrate the Andhra Pradesh Formation Day on 01.11.2020 at all Government offices and Schools in the State.

Therefore, all the under mentioned officers are requested to issue instructions to the field level functionaries i.e., DyEOs, MEOs, Head Masters, Teachers and Parent Committees concerned shall attend in their respective offices / schools and celebrate the Andhra Pradesh Formation Day in a befitting manner duly following guidelines issued for containment, control and prevention of Covid-19. The above expenditure shall be meet with in their budget allocation/provision.

Further the headmaster shall convene the Parents Committee and explain  about the reopening of the schools and the graded manner in which the schools are being reopened and the precautions to be taken for running the schools duly adhering the protocols issued by Government to prevent and contain COVID 19. The headmaster and staff shall also acquaint themselves with the academic calendar released by SCERT for 2020-21 and draw up their plan of action for running the school from 2nd November onwards. 


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